Whether it's the spooky season or simply a full moon, Marvel's werewolves are around to terrify the heroes and villains of the comic book universe. There are some truly powerful people who have been cursed with this transformative ability, but only some of them fight on the side of good.
Whether it's a gift that's been passed through generations, alien or magical in origins, or perhaps even the result of a mutation, these werewolves have stood the test of time as some of the most experienced and most capable among their species and some of Marvel's intimidating heroes and villains.
10 Claudia Russell
Claudia Russell was a well-respected doctor who worked in one of Marvel Comics' scariest locations, the Ravencroft Institute, during the 1900s. Her job saw her work alongside a number of mutants and others who had powers but were deemed unstable. Later, the Institute saw Mister Sinister experiment on his patients to determine their genetic potential.
As a werewolf, Russell committed a number of murders and was seemingly unstoppable. She eventually faced off against her senior and almost killed the almost invulnerable Mister Sinister. While her impressive strength cannot be denied, she was simply not strong enough and perished in battle, allowing Doctor Essex to dissect her himself.
9 Steve Rogers
Steve Rogers has encountered many threats, but it was his research on werewolves that actually led to his own transformative experience. Investigating the cause of some recent mutations, Rogers came across the source, turning him into Cap-Wolf.
This werewolf was more powerful than most as Cap-Wolf combined the abilities of the Super Soldier Serum with the powers of a werewolf. Although he fell under Nightshade's control for a short amount of time, his short stint as Cap-Wolf saw him become the leader he always has been, leading an uprising among his people. His lack of experience in the position held him back from fully realizing his potential.
8 John Jonah Jameson III
John Jonah Jameson was an astronaut and an experienced scientist who was a key supporting player in The Amazing Spider-Man in the 1970s. The son of the famous journalist, Jameson III held a lot of pride in his job but during one mission actually came in contact with some kind of infection which would eventually turn him into the vicious Man-Wolf.
John struggled to keep his condition under control for a long time even fighting heroes like Spider-Man. He has showcased his abilities in battle many times but was even defeated by Cap-Wolf despite Rogers having less experience as a werewolf. Ultimately, Jameson's powers continue to grow although his potential is perhaps more limited than others.
7 Grigory Russoff
Russoff lived in Transylvania during the 18th century. During that time period, he came across Dracula, the most powerful Marvel Comics vampire, whom he saw as a very dangerous threat. Heroically, Russoff managed to drive a stake through Dracula's heart supposedly killing the beast.
Upon rescuing his captive, Lydia, the woman attacks him giving Grigory werewolf abilities. He proved that he was powerful enough in his human form to destroy the Lord Of The Vampires and as a werewolf was even less forgiving. Knowledge of Grigory is limited though so his true power is unknown compared to the more recently cursed wolf brethren.
6 Rahne Sinclair
Rahne Sinclair is one of the few werewolves to gain their abilities thanks to the mutant gene. The character is most commonly associated with being one of the first and most powerful members of the New Mutants, although she can't always control how the world reacts to her gifts.
Rahne isn't technically a Werewolf though as she has far more manipulation over her wolf-like form when she transforms. Wolfsbane has faced off against significant threats alongside her mutant brethren but it was after her second mutation that she finally realized the potential of her genetic gifts. She has been killed before and struggled through a feral stage where her powers became too much for her to control.
5 Jack Russell
There's been a few different variations on the Werewolf By Night but Jack Russell is one of the earliest and most famous. Jack inherited his gifts through his family; his father in particular was both a werewolf and a warlock resulting in his incredible abilities.
Russell boasts the traditional powers of a werewolf, whether it be enhanced speed and strength or a lust for blood. He has far more control over his creature though, even teaming up with other vigilantes like the Legion Of Monsters. Russell sometimes can't cope with his curse though and is overwhelmed by how consuming it can be, holding him back in battle.
4 Jake Gomez
Jake Gomez is another iteration of Werewolf By Night and once again a character that gained his abilities because of a family curse. Although he has less experience within the role, he has already demonstrated a tight grasp on his powers which seem to be limitless.
It was the training of Red Wolf that allowed Gomez to fully channel his powers, with a magical element playing into his alter-ego, allowing him to utilize more strength than other werewolves. The character is still learning though, meaning Jake's young age might be stopping him from being the most powerful at this time. MCU fans will likely see him in the future Halloween special from Disney+.
3 The Werewolf Guard
In one of the most interesting Moon Knight and Avengers storylines, the Cult Of Khonshu was formed to worship ancient deities they thought would give them immeasurable power. The group included a number of followers of the Egyptian God, including several werewolves who banded together as the Werewolf Guard.
These warriors are more powerful than traditional werewolves as they have the gifts of Khonshu on their side. They are in full control of their abilities and have been given the armor of the Gods. They are significant threats for Earth's mightiest heroes to overcome but are not deities in their own rights.
2 Wolf Men
Created by a demon, The Wolf Men of Valusia were lords of their species and almost Gods in their own right. Each of these werewolves represented a different aspect of the curse they utilized and each was more powerful than any other Werewolf in Marvel.
Notable members of the Wolf Men include Garmr the Hellhound, a monstrous beast, Lycaon the Bloodhound, the cruelest of the group, and Gaueko the Night Beast, who was impacted by dark magic throughout his time as a Lord. These monsters were a genuine threat to man and God alike.
1 Vârcolac
Vârcolac is considered to be among the Wolf Men but was one of the earliest created werewolves. The character has been seen as the God of the Werewolves or at the very least their ultimate lord. He even forms a part of human mythology, linked in part to the likes of the Midgard Serpent and Fenris Wolf who are both his ancestors.
Vârcolac is dangerous in every single way and there are few who would be able to truly defeat him. In myth, Vârcolac was eventually bested by humans themselves but in the modern Marvel Universe, there are no other werewolves on this same mighty level.
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