The Transformers movie franchise will be getting another installment with the upcoming Transformers: Rise of the Beasts. While there is excitement surrounding the next chapter, there have been a lot of very strong opinions about the Transformers movies thus far.
From the critically derided Michael Bay movies to the reboot of the franchise with Bumblebee, these robots in disguise inspire a lot of passionate discussions among fans. And some are willing to share their opinions of the Transformers movies that might go against the popular consensus.
10 The 1986 Movie Is Bad

Though the live-action movies get all the attention, fans might forget that the first Transformers movie was actually the 1986 animated The Transformers: The Movie. It ended up being a box office bomb but later gained a cult following among fans of the genre.
But while nostalgia has improved the movie's reputation, some think the original reaction was correct. Reddit user BookBarbarian insists it is just not a very good movie and suggests "It makes sense why it bombed in theaters."
9 Shia LaBeouf Was A Highlight

After headlining some smaller projects, Shia LaBeouf was turned into a Hollywood blockbuster star thanks to his lead role in Transformers. However, fans often complained about LaBeouf's over-the-top performance and that he was a distracting focal point of these movies.
But LaBeouf's performance worked for some with Reddit user soulfulsnake offering some praise. While they admit the movies themselves were not very good, they feel as though LaBeouf "at least made them somewhat entertaining."
8 The Designs In The Bay Movies Were Great

Though LaBeouf became a star of the franchise, the real reason audiences showed up to these movies was the Transformers themselves. Modern CGI helped bring the robots to life, but the elaborate designs disappointed many who preferred the traditional, simple looks for the characters.
Reddit users like Muisverriey insist they "absolutely love the Michael Bay Transformers designs." In fact, some admitted they liked these updated looks of Optimus Prime and the others more than the originals.
7 Bumblebee Is Overrated

By the fifth Transformers movie directed by Michael Bay, the franchise seemed to be running out of steam and in need of a new approach. Bumblebee made for the perfect reboot as it was a smaller scale and more personal story that earned solid reviews.
However, not everyone was convinced Bumblebee was the great movie others claimed it to be. Reddit user NoUUoN said it went the opposite of Bay's movies but "not in a good way." Reddit user Cyber-Scythe even went so far as to call it the " worst Transformers movie thus far."
6 Sam Is A Better Protagonist Than Charlie

Along with focusing on a smaller story in Bumblebee, the movie also introduced a new human protagonist with Charlie. Played by the charming Hailee Steinfeld, Charlie was a funny, sympathetic and endearing character to lead the story in the eyes of many fans.
LaBeouf's Sam might not have been the reason people went to the Transformers movies, but there were some fans, like user larrylongboy, who felt that Sam made for a better lead character than Charlie.
5 Age Of Extinction And The Last Knight Are Underrated

While Michael Bay was still helming the franchise, they attempted to do a soft reboot of Transformers by starting a new storyline with new human characters. This saw the inclusion of Mark Wahlberg as Cade Yaeger in Transformers: Age of Extinction and Transformers: The Last Knight, both of which rank as the worst-reviewed movies in the series.
Of course, fans don't always agree with the critics. Reddit user VectorOracle voiced their support for these much-hated sequels, insisting they were "good movies and highly underrated."
4 Voiceless Bumblebee Works

Bumblebee has been one of the most central characters in the live-action Transformers movies, even getting his own solo spinoff adventure. However, one controversial aspect of the movie version of Bumblebee was making him speechless and having to communicate through the car radio.
Many fans complained it was a gimmicky and annoying trait to give to the beloved character. But Reddit user DeathEater7 stood up for the decision, saying that it wasn't as bad as other fans made it out to be.
3 Revenge Of The Fallen Is The Best

The first Michael Bay Transformers movie pleased many fans with its wild action and big scale in bringing these characters to life. However, the franchise quickly fell into trouble when the first sequel, Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen, ended up being a critical disaster that many saw as a mess of a movie.
Despite many calling the second movie the worst of the franchise, Reddit user chris95rx7500 claims it remains their favorite of the bunch. They also insist, "if you didn't like the movie, the toy line made up for it."
2 The Movies Saved The Whole Brand

Though Michael Bay's Transformers movies were box office hits, many die-hard fans of the brand were not happy with them. They felt they missed the best aspects of the Transformers and turned it into an explosion-filled action movie.
But even those who admit they don't care for the movie also suggest they were overall beneficial for the brand. Reddit user Rapid_Madness suggests that the popularity and success of the Transformers movies "have done a lot of good to the franchise," giving it new popularity.
1 Bay's Movies Are The Best Transformers

Part of the reason why the Transformers movies were so popular was because of the brand's following among fans. It all predates the movies by decades and includes not only the toys but also shows, games, and comic books.
With all these different iterations of the Transformers, many fans regard the movies as fairly disposable. However, Reddit user Im__CrypT makes the bold assertion that the Michael Bay movies are better than anything else associated with the Transformers brand.
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