Players will soon be able to find and capture a Shiny Virizion in Pokemon Go. With Five-Star Raid Battles, players are expected to bring along their best Pokemon for the battle. Some of these Pokemon are tied to specific events, or Niantic is introducing a new Pokemon entirely through this method. By learning how to do a Pokemon Go raid, players are able to work together to take down a legendary Pokemon. Once the battle is over, the player can then capture this Pokemon to add it to their evergrowing collection. A handful of these legendary Pokemon have Shiny forms, which are considered incredibly rare to encounter. With Shiny Virizion making a return in Raid Battles soon, this is the chance to capture it.
Cobalion, Terrakion, and Virizion are all legendary Pokemon that originate from the Unova region of Pokemon Black and White. In those games, players were able to find them hidden throughout the region. They will return to the Raid Battle rotation starting on Friday, November 5th to Tuesday, November 16th. All three of them have their Shiny forms available in the game. In order to capture a Shiny Virizion, players will need to defeat it in battle first.
After finding an active Virizion raid, make sure to group up with at least four other players. Players can learn how to invite friends to raids in Pokemon Go to increase the lobby size. Five-Star Raid Battles can be incredibly difficult with any fewer players. Virizion is a Grass/Fighting-type Pokemon with weaknesses to Poison, Fire, Psychic, Ice, and Fairy. While all of these do double the damage, players will want to bring along a Pokemon with Flying-type moves. These attacks have an x4 effect on Virizion. These are the best raid counters for this battle.

- Moltres: Wing Attack and Sky Attack.
- Rayquaza: Air Slash and Hurricane.
- Yveltal: Gust and Hurricane.
- Honchkrow: Peck and Sky Attack.
- Braviary: Air Slash and Brave Bird.
- Staraptor: Wing Attack and Brave Bird.
Players can also bring along Mega Pidgeot with Gust and Brave Bird, or catch a Mega Charizard Y in Pokemon Go with Air Slash and Blash Burn if they are available. Flying-type moves are the best, but there is power in playing with more players. Once the battle is over, the game will transition into the capturing phase where players will have a chance to find a Shiny Terrakion. If it doesn't sparkle, that means it is in its normal form. The best thing to do would be to capture it for its candy and move on to the next raid.
Pokemon Go is available now on iOS and Android.
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