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Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order – The 10 Locations, Ranked

One of the most enjoyable aspects of Jedi: Fallen Order, particularly for hardcore fans who have the time to do so, is the exploration. There is so much fun to be had in wandering around discovering things about the different maps and locations. Luckily, the game gives fans five amazing places to do that and a few bonus locations that are great without in-depth exploration.

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Bogano, Zeffo, Kashyyyk, Dathomir, and Ilum get joined by two ships, a moon, a space station, and another planet in the location list for Fallen Order, and each of them has something to adore for fans.

10 The Albedo Brave

The Albedo Brave, a great name for a ship, is the Venator-class used by Jaro Tapal and the 13th Battalion and is also the setting for the numerous flashbacks to training under Tapal that Cal has throughout the game.

It is undoubtedly a great location, but it is just a Venator; fans know what it is and what they are getting. It is obviously badass having training exercises on the ship, and its interior is typically superb. On top of that, these flashbacks really help make the player connect with Cal, making him one of the best canon video game characters out there. However, there just is not much to say about it compared to other locations.

9 Ordo Eris

Ordo Eris is an asteroid space station and one of the three central locations Cal travels to or gets stuck on outside of the main five planets. It is the stronghold of the Haxian Brood and is where they take Cal when they capture him.

There is no real exploration available for the station, which is on the edge of the Outer Rim. It is, however, cool having an arena and prison within the space station, and it is fun navigating and escaping from the place. It just is not as memorable despite its entertaining design.

8 The Mantis

The Mantis is the primary mode of transport between planets. Piloted by Greez Dritus and coming with a variety of paint job options, it is an excellent home base for the game's beloved characters Cal, BD-1, Cere, and Greez - as well as Merrin later on.

There is no exploration in the Mantis, but along with being a well-designed place where the player spends a lot of time, it is a location where interesting conversations can happen, Cal can meditate and work on his lightsaber, and can observe the terrarium.

7 Bracca

Bracca is the first planet that pla yers will take charge of Cal on, as the Jedi works there as a scrap guild worker. Since the game's release, the planet has only gotten better with its appearance in The Bad Batch.

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Bracca is where Cal and the Albedo Brave crashed, and so it is where he resides for five years before the events of the game. It is quite an outstanding planet design-wise, compromised of rocky plains and mountains of scrap. Knowing that so many of those ships are decommissioned vehicles used during the Clone War adds an emotional layer to the planets for fans of that era. However, the location is pretty linear and straightforward, and it cannot be returned to or explored, holding it back compared to other planets.

6 Bogano

Bogano is the first planet in the game that players get to play through after leaving Bracca and is a planet with a good bit of exploration, some fantastic music, some fun gameplay, and is overall just a chill time to experience.

For these reasons, Bogano is loved by some fans; for these same reasons, though, it is not as valued as the other planets. It is a very basic place overall and there is a lack of challenge compared to other worlds. That does not stop it from being fun, nor does it stop it from being essential, nor does it take away from how well crafted it is. However, it does prevent it from reaching the heights of the other planets to a lot of fans.

5 Ilum

Ilum is one of the most important planets in the Star Wars Galaxy and a magnificent sight, particularly inside the Crystal Caves. It is, however, the shortest of the five principal planets in Fallen Order.

That, along with the lack of enemies and overall excitement, holds it back to many. However, the weight behind the planet, knowing its importance in the lives of every Jedi as well as its tragic future of getting mined for Kyber by the Empire and eventually becoming Starkiller Base, give it a sense of enormous importance as the player ventures through its beautiful, snowy, icy climate.

4 Zeffo

While locations like Bogano and Ilum are hurt to some fans by their simplicity or short length, Zeffo suffers the opposite problem for some fans since it is an absolute colossus of a planet and a complex one at that.

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For many, though, this makes it the best of the best. With tombs, twisty-turny routes, a plethora of enemies and databank entries, and, overall, just there being so much to it, it makes it a joy to explore but a pain to navigate. It is the biggest of the brand new planets and maybe the most beautiful world in the game. However, the lack of clarity while traveling through it and the frustrating nature of the holo-map hold it back from being loved by all.

3 Nur

The final of the three side-locations that players travel to in the game is Nur, a water moon located in the Mustafar system and home of the underwater Fortress Iquisitorius.

The moon is exhilarating to play through; from arriving on it to encountering Trilla to running from Vader, it is outstandingly crafted both as a gameplay level and an exceptional location, fitting for the Inquisitorius. Players do not spend a lot of time on Nur, but the time spent there is edge-of-the-seat stuff with more fantastic music, emotional gut-punches, and a brilliant climax to one of Star Wars' best ever games.

2 Dathomir

While Dathomir has yet to be seen in a Star Wars film, it has gotten enough time on-screen through The Clone Wars, and Fallen Order did not disappoint fans of the show with its depiction of the eerie planet that was always a perfect world for a Star Wars video game.

Full of terrific, if not formidable, enemies, the location introduces fans to both Malicos and Merrin and is a truly gorgeous planet to explore with its barren scenery and creepy atmosphere, which only gets amplified by the residents of the planet. The map can suffer from the same issues as Zeffo at times, but being smaller and being an established planet with outstanding enemies makes that easier to handle.

1 Kashyyyk

Undoubtedly the most well-established and well-known location in the game is Kashyyk, a mainstay of Star Wars and its video games. The home planet of the Wookiees has another fantastic outing in this game.

Players know what they are getting with Kashyyyk design-wise, but it is still an incredible sight with more than just grass to enjoy. There are the Imperial facilities, Shadowlands, underwater areas, and more. On top of that, the planet perhaps has the best range of enemies and a boss battle with the Ninth Sister. There will always be a bias for Kashyyyk, given its established popularity and how beloved the Wookiees are. But from the score to the storyline to character cameos to everything in between, Kashyyyk earned that love as a location in Jedi Fallen Order:

NEXT: The 10 Best Characters In Fallen Order

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