The Marvel Universe is home to a whole host of different godly Pantheons. Whether they are original to the comic books themselves or taken from real-life mythology, these groups of deities have come to influence the creation of Marvel's reality and continue to impact the lives of the heroes and villains on the page.
Some of these powerful Pantheons will be extremely familiar to fans and have appeared on both the page and screen in major Marvel titles. Others may be a little less well-known but are fundamental in creating the Multiverse or ensuring that Earth-616 and beyond continues to function as it should and maintaining the cosmic balance.
The Celestials are some of the biggest cosmic entities in Marvel Comics from the size of their power to the immensity of the beings themselves. Fans of the source material know that this Pantheon has the ability to both create and destroy whole universes.
They are almost beyond human comprehension and are certainly more senior in the hierarchy of reality than many other Pantheons in Marvel. The Marvel Cinematic Universe has already introduced these beings and thus far they are proving to be stronger than the likes of a Titan like Thanos and the Infinity Stones themselves.
There are a number of differences between the Eternals of the comics and those put to screen. For all intents and purposes the Eternals are a godly Pantheon in the source material; one that shares the same abilities and ensures the safety of not only Earth but further afield.
Their talents are particularly showcased when connecting through the Uni-Mind which channels all of their power together. The Eternal's Pantheon is a vast and evolving group, which has existed for centuries. Their mythology continues to expand as the Marvel Universe does and they very well could be the eventual replacements of the Celestials.
The Time-Keepers are a much smaller Pantheon and although they once consisted of four members, they are more commonly associated as three. These beings of incredible foresight have been seeking to train and control the timeline to meet their own ends.
They are both destructive and necessary for the survival of reality itself but through various portrayals, their methods and corrupt influences have seen the trio questioned as deities. The MCU took quite a different approach to the Time-Keepers, overruling their existence, despite their power, in favor of the single He Who Remains.
The Asgardians are not an original creation of the Marvel Universe and have been depicted across popular culture. The likes of Thor and Loki have been entrenched in comic book mythology though, alongside unique characters such as the Warriors Three who can only be found on the page and now on the screen!
The Asgardians are a Pantheon that has hosted hundreds of significant deities, each of which has come to impact the larger universe in some way. Whether it's Hela, the Valkeryies that take the dead to the afterlife, or perhaps the all-father himself, the very make-up of reality is defined by the actions of these characters. There is a vacuum whenever this group is absent.
Sometimes power can be defined by the influence that beings have had on the universe and how long they have been in control. The Elders survived the initial wave of reality which was destroyed, helping to usher in a new era of chaos and creation.
The Pantheon of Elders actually takes some of the most powerful beings from other Pantheons, as they were really responsible for the beginning. The devilish Chthon, mother-earth herself Gaea, or the serpent-like Set are examples of these. Ultimately they have barely been matched since their own introduction.
An original creation of Marvel, the Skrulls are an alien race with green skin, pointed ears, and, most importantly, powerful shape-shifting abilities that allow them to assume the identity of almost any being they wish (including earthly bovines). During the Secret Invasion, the God Squad sought to kill off the Skrull Pantheon, which proved to be far more powerful than some of the deities on Earth.
Much like the human Pantheons, the Skrulls each hold unique roles. They match the strength of the species and the Skrulls are some of the most powerful beings in the galaxy. Kly'bn the Eternal Skrull is amongst their fearsome leaders, alongside Sl'gur't, who was an empress within her people.
Each universe features beings who were present at the birth of reality. For the current Marvel Universe, the Proemial gods were said to be the initial Pantheon in existence. The likes of Antiphon, Aegis, Brio, Diableri, and Tenebrous were amongst their ranks.
Their roles hold great importance in the continuation of life across the known galaxies. Although they might not be Multiversal in nature, in comparison to the Time-Keepers, for instance, they essentially set the structure for everything now known about the cosmos. It seems that they may have even set the stage for others like the Watchers, who comic fans know are among the most powerful being in the Marvel Universe.
The Olympians form part of a mythology that has been reimagined both on screen and in comics time and time again. Hercules in particular is a major player within the Marvel Universe, but powerful beings like Zeus or Poseidon have been known to control the elements.
The Olympians are amongst the Pantheons that get majorly involved with the construction of reality. They use their influence in a more corrupt way than most though. This lack of limits makes them both dangerous and unpredictable. It's this erratic element that boosts their powers further as they have been found on both sides of the moral coin.
Much like the Greek, Roman, and Norse Pantheons before, the legends of Ancient Egypt have continued to leave their mark on the Marvel Universe in the form of the Helopolitan Pantheon. The group features the likes of Seth, Bes, and Atum.
The god of the moon Khonshu is a great example of an original creation within Marvel that has powerful effects on its characters thanks to the rise of Moon Knight. These gods and their mythology are intrinsically linked to magic and knowledge, which they wield with both purpose and power.
The Great Old Ones predate the universe and the Elder gods themselves. Among them are monstrous beings who appear to be past the laws of physics, combining cosmic science and fantastical magic in a way that mere humans and even some Pantheons couldn't understand.
Shuma-Gorath and once again some iterations of Chthon are considered to be amongst them, as are the likes of Knull who was introduced relatively recently. Their power comes from how integral they are to the timeline, with each one becoming unstoppable because of the sheer scale of their strength and connection to reality.
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