Since Doctor Who returned in 2005, it has reintroduced many villains and monsters from the classic era of the show. The Cybermen were one of the most memorable and iconic threats from the original run and this has continued throughout New Who too.
Since the Tenth Doctor encountered his old enemies again in season 2, they have continued to show up with many different designs but are never any less threatening. When the Cybermen are used effectively, they are one of the most intimidating and frightening villains in the show.
10 Nightmare In Silver

By the time season 7 came along, the Cybermen were becoming dangerously close to being overused. The classic enemies usually work best in large-scale stories like many of the epic season finales which is why they're let down slightly here.
At this point, Clara is still a relative newcomer to the TARDIS and is still trying to find her feet and the inclusion of the children she is babysitting, Angie and Artie, only slows down the pace and takes away screen time from the more interesting elements of the plot. The Cybermen aren't particularly threatening here but the episode does feature one the best Cybermen designs from Doctor Who. However, while Matt Smith does his best with what he is given, The Mr. Clever character is a little too over the top.
9 Closing Time

This season 6 episode features the return of season 5 character, Craig. While his dynamic with The Doctor is fun, the story is certainly more of a filler in the arc-heavy season.
The episode is designed to be small-scale and fun, though, which it does achieve but sidelining the Cybermen in this type of episode doesn't feel right. The episode is one of the more comedic in nature and could use any one-off villain for the story to still work. The use of the Cybermen here feels like a ploy to boost a smaller scale episode which, while understandable takes away from the overall threat level of the iconic monster.
8 The Next Doctor

The premise of a Christmas special featuring Cybermen in Victorian London seems like the perfect recipe for a chilling winter tale. That being said, the episode focuses heavily on its 'clickbait' title and while the idea of an ordinary man thinking he's The Doctor is an interesting concept, it is barely explored. The Cybermen are largely sidelined for Jackson's story which is disappointing for fans of the villain.
The Christmas specials are mostly light-hearted and whimsical but trying to incorporate the Cybermen into this kind of story doesn't quite work. Although the episode does try something new with the introduction of The Cybershades and The Cyber-king, they are more comical than threatening.
7 The Pandorica Opens/The Big Bang

While this is a strong story featuring and includes one of the best TARDIS teams from the show, it isn't the most effective showcase of the Cybermen as a villain. Due to the nature of these episodes, they are one of many threats that appear; however, their screen time as part of the alliance is still significant enough for the story to warrant a place on the list.
Even before it becomes clear what is really going on, the Cybermen are the first real threat to arrive in the story. The scene where Amy is attacked by the severed Cyber-head is nail-bitingly tense. Unlike in some other cases when new ideas have been tried with the villain, the metal head snapping back and forth towards Amy provides a strong threat.
6 Dark Water/Death In Heaven

The Cybermen's season 8 appearance is quite a mixed bag, to say the least. The skeletons in the water tanks turn out to be Cybermen and while it is a creepy scene, it feels like a rehash of the season 2 ghosts reveal.
While the metal monsters are certainly the main threat of the story, they are sidelined by the conclusion of the Missy story arc and the shocking reveal that she is The Master. Also, having the deceased Brigadier return as a Cyberman feels disrespectful towards the iconic character's legacy. That being said, the story contains some exciting scenes for the villains such as when they are outside St. Paul's Cathedral and also when they confront Clara.
5 Ascension Of the Cyberman/The Timeless Children

The Timeless Children may be one of the most controversial episodes in Doctor Who history, but the Cybermen are used effectively, especially in the first part of the story. There are some genuinely frightening scenes where it feels as if one of the companions might not make it out of the perilous situation alive.
The monsters are swept to the side in the second half of the story but it does introduce a new iteration of them. While the flamboyant design and name of the Cyber Masters is questionable, the story should still be commended for exploring a new idea. The concept of Time Lord and Cybermen hybrids is interesting and they are bound to resurface again at some point.
4 Rise of The Cybermen/The Age Of Steel

This story marks the long-awaited return of the Cybermen and is their first appearance in New Who. During the story, The TARDIS crash lands on a parallel Earth but it soon becomes apparent this world has its own version of The Doctor's long-time nemesis.
The enemies are ruthless in these episodes, killing or converting most of the side cast by its end. The scenes when the parallel Jackie is taken to be converted are particularly chilling and help to show a more vulnerable side to Rose. The story provides an action-packed and explosive reintroduction for these classic villains.
3 The Haunting of Villa Diodati (Season 12)

The first time The Thirteenth Doctor meets the Cybermen shows them in a slightly different light. The lone Cyberman, Ashad, has not been fully converted and still retains some of his emotion. Although this may seem like an advantage for The Doctor and her companions, Ashad embraces his Cyber side and human rage and is an intimidating presence within the episode.
The Doctor is also posed with a moral dilemma that sees her at loggerheads with her companions. Previously, The Thirteenth doctor and her friends had been shown to have a lighthearted and jovial relationship so it is interesting to see some tension between this TARDIS team. Having the Cyberman in a period setting also helps this episode to stand out as it perfectly utilizes its gothic location.
2 Army Of Ghosts/Doomsday (Season 2)

For the first time in the show's history, the Cybermen face off against the Daleks in this story. Pitting two of the best Doctor Who monsters against each other is hugely rewarding for long-time fans.
The scenes where Yvonne and Jackie are taken to be converted are genuinely horrifying and leave the audience questioning whether the latter is about to suffer the same fate as her parallel counterpart earlier in the series. The story also features the departure of Rose Tyler, marking the first instance of a full-time companion leaving the show since its revival. Ultimately, having the Cybermen face off against the Daleks is a satisfying and climactic way to end a season.
1 World Enough And Time/ The Doctor Falls (Season 10)

The season 10 finale showed a more classic version of the villain with the Mondasian Cybermen. In this form, the Cybermen are certainly at their most terrifying and also most heartbreaking.
What makes this one of the best two-part stories in Doctor Who is the chilling cries of 'kill me' in the hospital as well as Bill's tragic ending and the uniting of the Two Masters. Bill's confusion as to why everyone is scared of her and her eventual realization that she has been converted is devastating. The story contains many different ingredients such as horror, tragedy, and tension and really sees the Twelfth Doctor tested like never before and proves The Cybermen are not to be overlooked.
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