Marvel's Guardians Of The Galaxy from Square Enix launched to great success, with players and reviewers largely loving the title. With audiences jumping into the role of team leader Peter Quill, they will jet across the universe as Star-Lord and the rest of the gang to battle against intergalactic criminals.
Although it has been well received, there are those that have shared their slightly more controversial takes on the title. Whether it's to do with the gameplay, how buggy the initial build actually is, or the overall story, these Redditors had to share their views on what they didn't like about the game.
10 The Game Is Better Than The Film

It's great to start with a positive and for some Marvel's Guardians Of The Galaxy actually represents everything the movies should have been. TheFlackBalcon started a thread arguing that in regards to the hilarious Mantis, "in this game she’s still a powerful empath but also an excellent martial artist." It's not hard to argue that the films perhaps undersell her abilities.
However Alcatraz2643 took the idea a step further stating that "There’s a lot about this game that’s better than the films, I think Star-Lord and Gamora are a lot better in this as well." The game certainly caters to comic book fans perhaps more than the films, which are of course designed to hit multiple demographics and audiences; that isn't to controversially discredit their incredible portrayal though.
9 Gamora's Costume Is Perfect

Gamora is a core member of the team on-screen and in the comics. She's had so many iconic looks it's likely difficult to pick a favorite; rarely does a video game produce a perfect original suit though. For RC-1138______Delta "The MGOTG outfit for Gamora is easily my favorite design out of anything from the movies or the comics."
To state it's one of the best is definitely a difficult position considering it's already hugely inspired by the source material. Some like Stopthelemurs noted that the shoulder pads and other aspects are a bit too pointy, suggesting that maybe this isn't (as the unpopular opinion may be) the best of all her armors.
8 Bugs Are Ruining The Game

Bugs are really a natural point of any title at launch. With millions of players, there's bound to be some unseen issue arising. But as one Redditor noted, "Really love this game but lil bugs like this just irritate my soul!" For some, despite the issue possibly being minor, it's ruining the overall gameplay experience.
It seems that plenty of players have managed to thoroughly enjoy the title even with some of the glitches, but there are those in the thread who state their enjoyment is limited because of simple errors. Overall it's an unpopular opinion as compared to other titles at launch the problems here are minimal enough that everyone can still have fun with Guardians Of The Galaxy.
7 The Save System Is Broken

Saving can often be a big issue on a title and it seems that Guardians Of The Galaxy is actually running on an unusual system. MemeGamer24 realized that "Having both an autosave and manual tied to a save slot is just dumb because the autosaves overwrite the manual saves."
If someone is trying to play the game in a certain way, relying on the saves to reload checkpoints, this system could be potentially game-breaking for them. It's controversial though as likely, not many players will be bothered by this system, preferring everything to be on one save drive. Perhaps it's something that could be patched in the future though.
6 Marvel's Guardians Of The Galaxy Is The Best Marvel Game

There's a lot of contenders for what the best Marvel superhero game is. Guardians Of The Galaxy has only just been released so it may be a little premature to say it is one of the greatest, especially since titles like Spider-Man PS4 are still so well-received to this day.
Yet, SnowEternal has controversially claimed that the game is the best Marvel title hands down: "I love that it's a cohesive, linear, story-focused game. I do like Spider-Man, but to me, the open-world bloat/filler in it is unnecessary, but to each their own." Perhaps it is that well-paced storytelling that helps sell this title, but the jury is surely still out on the superior Marvel Comics gaming experience.
5 The Game Should Have An Open-World Environment

The strength of this title is that it's very concise with no unnecessary bloat or extraneous elements. It's a shorter more focused story that gives players a quality experience. As frmacleod states, "The lack of openness is what makes this game great. Keep it focused. Don’t waste time on opening things up."
However, EmperorJoker started a thread suggesting the sequel game should be open world because "I don't know if they'd do it but I'd like to be able to go on side missions that may or may not impact the main story. Like being able to go to Earth, Klytar, Titan, and other new exciting places." It's an interesting idea but one that impacts the core of why the game has been successful.
4 Component Collecting Is Pointless

One of the main mechanics in the game is the idea that the player can collect various components in order to upgrade their equipment. It's a fun aspect of the game but some are suggesting that it might be a completely pointless addition, especially if at the highest level already.
Captain_Nomad_SR said "You can still collect components after everything is upgraded (even additional in NG+). Just wondering what the point is unless they are going to add more items in a future update? Otherwise just seems kinda pointless..." For some players though, these additional items have been a lot of fun to collect and find and a great part of the overall title.
3 Star-Lord's Portrayal Is Bad

Fans have been loving this portrayal of Star-Lord as he is the core part of the gameplay experience. But not everyone has warmed to the unique take on the character. durrburger93 said that "He's never funny, has a stupid-looking face, looks and acts like a surfer dude bro and is overplaying the straight man trope to juxtapose the rest of the wacky cast, making him all the duller in comparison."
He even went on to suggest that he's the weakest link in the group and boasts poor voice acting. For many, he is the heart of the team though and the game wouldn't be quite as successful if players were not suited up as Star-Lord. he is the leader and symbol of the team, and it would be a glaring omission if he weren't included in a Guardians of the Galaxy game.
2 Rocket Is The Worst Team-Member

For many, Rocket Raccoon is by far the most fun of the Guardians. He's witty, quick thinking, and actually has a really cool design. Jeanist asked a very controversial question on Reddit though. They asked whether they could actually remove him from their team.
They said that "He is very annoying, if I play as the leader I feel like I should have the option to throw him off the ship." For many this is definitely unpopular as Rocket has been a highlight of the title, showcasing some of the best quips of the experience. He also has some of the best weapons in the game, which allow the player to progress more quickly than if he has been absent.
1 Star-Lord's Voice Acting Is Subpar

Although it may have been previously touched upon, the complaints keep on coming for Peter Quill in Marvel's Guardians Of The Galaxy. The characterization might have been targeted but now the voice acting is also coming into question.
ImADuckOnTuesdays has noted they are getting irritated by the voice of the character, "He delivers every line in the exact same cadence and inflection. 'Come on, Rocket' with his pitch and emphasis making him sound annoyed." Voice acting is incredibly difficult and for many, the performances have helped the title to become so immersive! In addition, these lines are probably heard many times in the game as players are frequently tasked with performing similar duties that elicit the same dialogue.
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