Amy Sherman-Palladino's Gilmore Girls is not a clear-cut comedy, as it's focused on family drama and growing up, but Rory and Lorelai definitely have their hilarious moments. Their relationship with each other and with the townspeople is built on warmth, love, and humor. From early on in the show, Lauren Graham's Lorelai Gilmore teaches her fans having a sense of humor is an essential life skill. Every time life throws her a curveball, she takes it on the chin and comes back stronger and funnier.
In general, people of Stars Hollow use humor in their daily lives, and while some jokes are fairly obvious, there's a high chance, these jokes may have gone unnoticed.
10 "I Have Vanilla, Chocolate, Strawberry And Toasted Marshmallow." -Lorelai

Lorelai Gilmore makes this joke in the pilot episode when Rory enters Luke's Diner to meet her. It's freezing outside, and so, she asks her daughter if she'd like a hot beverage. When Rory asks for lipgloss, she is offered a wide variety of options with funny names to choose from.
Most parents would offer their children what they have on hand but not Lorelai. She tries to get her daughter to crack a smile which makes the whole thing witty. Rory is used to her mom being the funny one in the house, but it's a first for the fans and therefore demands special attention.
9 "Maybe After This, I'll Bench Press A Piano." -Drella

The joke that everyone missed on Gilmore Girls' pilot episode when Drella the harpist struggled to make way through the noisy lobby. Since no one came to her aid, she used sarcasm coupled with self-deprecation to get her point across. It was only after she made a couple of subtle cracks about lifting the heavy harp all by herself that people actually started to clear the way.
Being an employee of the Independence Inn, Lorelai expected Drella to be nicer to the guests but she rather use her fast-paced sarcasm and observational humor to make people understand what she wanted.
8 "That's The Last Time I Buy Anything Just Because It's Furry!" -Lorelai

Lorelai makes this joke in "The Lorelais' First Day At Chilton," which unfortunately for her, doesn't get off on the right foot. She purchases an alarm clock purely because of its aesthetic appeal. Later, she tells Luke the fuzzy blue alarm clock that she set the night before didn't "purr" which confuses him for a second. She funnily explains the fuzzy clock makes purring noise.
Lorelai is a hardworking, single mother who finds humor in life challenges. Sometimes fans have trouble keeping up with her witty remarks and need an explanation or two.
7 "Laundry Day." -Lorelai

This joke from "The Lorelais' First Day At Chilton" is also one of the most relatable quotes from Gilmore Girls. As it's seen, Lorelai oversleeps because her fuzzy blue alarm clock doesn't purr on time. It also means she doesn't have enough time to pick up a change of clothes from the dry cleaner. And so, she shows up in an inappropriate outfit of a pink top, Daisy Mae shorts, and cowboy boots.
An awkward moment ensues in the headmaster's office after he asks Lorelai to remove her coat and take a seat. There's many a time in the show when she went into a giggle loop to save herself from embarrassment. While the joke may not be outrageously funny but frankly, Lorelai's observational comedy was her one saving grace throughout the series.
6 "This Is A More Delicate Procedure Than You Might Think. Takes An Expert Hand." -Sookie St. James

...says the accident-prone chef, Sookie St. James in "Cinnamon's Wake" seconds before she actually sets a table on fire. It's Rory's bake sale at Chilton and Sookie is busy impressing people. She's baked multiple delectable treats and made an impressive figure of a watermelon swan.
Sookie tends to have more mishaps than anyone else on the show and most people with her predisposition would be terrified of using a blowtorch. Her overconfidence in this situation is what makes fans chuckle. She has memorable scenes on Gilmore Girls that fans remember, but starting a fire with her own culinary torch has definitely slipped through the cracks.
5 "I Wanted Some Cream But That Prompted A Very Elaborate Foam Conversation. And The Look Of Disapproval I Got When I Said I Didn't Want Foam, Just Cream, Rivaled The One I Got From My Dad When I Told Him I Wanted To Be A Teacher." -Max Medina

Max makes the joke in "Cinnamon's Wake" out of nervous excitement when Lorelai agrees to see him at a coffee shop far away from Chilton. They engaged in banter from the very start and at the end of this subtly funny monologue, he's able to secure himself an official date with her.
Max and Lorelai's first meeting is hilarious, especially because it gives fans a forbidden love kind of a vibe. She wants to keep seeing the guy that teaches her daughter at Chilton and is barely able to resist. Their relationship is counted as one of the best relationships on Gilmore Girls.
4 "Now The Gilmore Clan Is Just As Smart And Worldly As The Kennedys, So Come On – Somebody Say Something." -Emily

Emily, the eldest of Gilmore women was the real star of the show for she was full of clever humor. Since she was an assertive woman, one quiet evening, in "The Third Lorelai," she found it ridiculous that neither Lorelai nor Rory was able to dine with her the Kennedy way.
Being an over-competitive Gilmore, Emily badly wanted someone to say something because apparently, the Kennedy clan would sit around the table having lively conversations. If Emily's eccentric behavior that night is to be read into carefully, it's actually funny how she let her competitive streak get the best of her while doing a despicable job at sounding pleasant.
3 "What A Shame Elizabeth Barrett Browning Wasn't Here To Witness This. She'd Put Her Head Through A Wall.” -Paris

Paris makes an ironic joke that everyone missed in "Star-Crossed Lovers and Other Strangers" when she sees Tristan kissing a girl right in front of her locker. It is painfully obvious, not to mention hilarious that she has a huge crush on the guy but pretends she wants to get to her locker badly.
When Tristan parts with the lines, "Ah, to be young and in love," Paris immediately thinks of the poet Elizabeth Barrett Browning, thanks to her quick-fire repartee. A smart mind, wits, and perfect comedic timing makes Paris subtly outshine everyone else in the scene.
2 "You Don't Do Yoga On The Dalai Lama's Mat, And You Don't Come Behind My Counter, Period!” -Luke

Luke was very particular about who he'd allow behind the counter area at his diner. So when he saw Sookie serving his customers in "Cinnamon's Wake," he was forced to shove her to the other side of the counter.
Sure, the analogy sounds weird, but it is what makes it a good joke. It's clear from Luke's words that he treats his behind-the-counter area like a forbidden, sacred place that couldn't be trespassed. Luke's joke is perceived to be funnier when fans realize he's been around Lorelai way too much and picked up her skill of managing conflict with humor.
1 "Oh, What You're Going To A Raccoon's Wedding?" -Emily

In "Cinnamon's Wake," Emily is bemused to find out Lorelai skipped her cousin's funeral for a cat's wake. And so, she thinks Lorelai might have a raccoon wedding to attend next. The cat funeral is enough to get her to challenge her daughter into a fast-paced, witty verbal volleyball. She sarcastically asks Lorelai to hold the phone line for a while so she could look up "aneurysm" in her medical dictionary. Emily's sense of humor was definitely sarcastic, but her iconic line delivery is one to be paid attention to.
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