Before it was a successful and gruesome horror anime on Netflix, Castlevania was one of the most iconic platforming games Nintendo had ever released. The saga of the Belmont clan is a timeless tale of man versus monster, and everyone from Trevor to Simon has tested their mettle against Dracula and his legion of darkness.
It's the use of classic figures from horror movies, literature, and lore that gives the series its identity, and most monsters are immediately recognizable to both players and nonplayers alike. From zombies to vampires, Dracula's castle has played host to a multitude of famous monsters and iconic creatures.
10 Zombies

Zombies are one of the most common video game enemies out there and seeing how they are one of the first enemies players encounter in the series, these pixelated members of the living dead are more than worthy of a mention. Though, they certainly go down easier than modern variations.
From the days of George Romero to the age of The Walking Dead, zombies have been craving brains from beyond the grave for years. Of course, they'd take up residence in Dracula's castle.
9 Skeletons

Although they've not necessarily been around in recent years, skeletons are another spooky trope the series has used to its advantage. But there's something vaguely familiar about the way the creatures shuffle around, especially when they're holding blades or shields.
The skeletal minions of Dracula have an uncanny resemblance to the undead warriors seen in the Harryhausen films of yore. A recurring enemy in the series, they are nearly as common as their zombified cousins but definitely more disposable.
8 Mermen/Fishmen

With these aquatic-based enemies, things start to get a little more obvious. Although their designs might differ from game to game, the Mermen are clear and blatant stand-ins for The Creature from the Black Lagoon.
Although the Creature might not have spat strands of water at any of his victims, the Mermen in the moats and swamps surrounding the castle definitely share some key physical features with their Amazonian inspiration. Either way, the message is clearer than the icy waters they call home.
7 Hunchbacks

From Quasimodo to Igor, hunchbacked minions have been a classic unsung hero in the monster genre since the days of Victor Hugo. While Dracula might have employed a full staff of jumping little monsters, they're a fixture seen in nearly all three of the original titles.
A special mention has to go to the hunchback that accompanies the Monster boss featured in the first game. This could be a reference to Fritz from the original Frankenstein film, maybe even the Mel Brooks parody, but the trope of the chaotic lab assistant is certainly there.
6 Koranot/Golem

While the inspiration for this stone-cold monster might go over a few players' heads, the giant rock creatures seen in Super Castlevania IV actually harken back to a being of Hebrew folklore as well as a horror figure of the silent movie era, the Golem of Prague.
While they lack the peasant attire seen in the film version, there's something vaguely similar about the large boss version of the enemy and that of the star of Der Golem. He might not be as common as Count Dracula, but true horror fans will definitely appreciate his inclusion.
5 Cyclops

Once again, another Harryhausen classic graces the list. The more well-read gamers might recognize the one-eyed ogre from the works of Homer, but those who love their monster movies will note that the version with the horn and fiendish roar from The Seventh Voyage of Sinbad feels more at home in Castlevania.
The creature has made multiple appearances from Castlevania III to the animated series, growing bigger and more powerful with each reincarnation. The animated version, no doubt, is unarguably the most overpowered.
4 Medusa and Snakeman

Two for the price of one, like their one-eyed companion, both the Medusa heads and the Snakeman Sentinels have their origins in Greek myths and Harryhausen films. While the floating gorgon noggins are without a doubt one of the most irritating enemies in the game, the Snakemen look more like their inspiration than their flying counterparts.
With the serpentine bodies and archery skills, their inspiration clearly lies in the version of Medusa seen in Clash of the Titans. While not an unwanted edition in the games, it's certainly interesting to see Dracula employing so many mythological monsters.
3 The Mummy

Another classic monster joins the ranks of Castlevania's bosses, but now things start to seem a little more familiar. Dubbed the "Mummy Men" the clear and obvious inspiration behind the game's resident undead Egyptians has to be Universal's mummy series. Given the clear monster movie motifs thus far, it couldn't be anyone else.
Granted, it might also be inspired by the Hammer version of the film, as indicated by the Christopher Lee easter egg in the game's end credits, but given the recurring themes, it could go either way.
2 Frankenstein’s Monster

No gathering of classic monsters could be complete without an appearance by the poster boy of monster movies himself, Frankenstein. Called "The Creature" in the original title, the lumbering mass of reanimated parts is accompanied by Igor the hunchback, giving Simon Belmont a dose of double trouble.
Seeing how some incarnation of the famous creature has made an appearance in multiple entries in the series, it's clear that he has retained his notoriety. Whether he's called The Creature, The Monster, or even the overly-simplified Franken, he's still the iconic character most horror buffs recognize.
1 Dracula

Of course, there's hardly a title in the series that doesn't at least mention the king of vampires, Count Dracula. The Belmonts have dedicated their lives to fighting the count and his multitude of minions game after game, making him one of the most iconic classic video game bosses.
At his core, he's one of the most famous villains in fiction. With his black flowing cape, over-the-top demeanor, and signature sinister status, this version of the count offers the best traditional tropes an antagonist can offer. Whether he's the 8-bit original or the near-comically eccentric version seen in Symphony of the Night, there's only one Dracula.
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