Since Big Brother has aired 23 seasons dating back to 2000, it's obvious that many people love it. The show contains a lot of likable and entertaining aspects, including fun characters, intriguing strategizing and backstabbing, and elaborate challenges. And despite a few unique twists throughout the years, the core gameplay has remained the same for the last 20 years.
But regardless of the show's obvious popularity and quality, not everyone shares the same opinions regarding its production. Like every other television show, many aspects of Big Brother are completely subjective, and therefore, open to dissenting opinions. Reddit is a great place to find some fun ones.
10 Steve Is One Of The Worst Winners

Steve Moses was the winner of Big Brother 17. The jury widely accused him of floating to the end, but his strong physical gameplay (winning six competitions, including three of the last four HOHs) and the eviction of Vanessa impressed them enough to award Steve a 6-3 win over Liz Nolan.
However, Reddit user u/aids229 thinks him one of the least deserving winners, writing, "That dude had an awful social game and almost went home like five times. He ended up staying not because of anything he did, but because of other circumstances that he had no control over. The worst part is he takes credit for all of these near misses as calculated game moves."
9 Televised Big Brother Sucks

Despite the live feeds, many people watch Big Brother through the edited television episodes. However, Reddit user u/pistachiopaul doesn't think this is the way to experience the program. They write, "I hate the televised Big Brother show" before going on a long tangent about what makes it such a miserable and uninteresting watch.
Reddit u/SaraJeanQueen responds with a great question - "Why even watch the show? That's what makes it what it is." Judging by their amount of upvotes, it's obvious that many people shared the same question.
8 Julie Chen Is A Horrible Host

Julie Chen has hosted Big Brother since its inception in 2000, so it's obvious that many people (including the production team) enjoy her camera presence. But not u/ReppinDaBurgh. According to them, "Julie Chen is an absolutely terrible host."
When asked to elaborate, they explain that "She is terrible in her interviews...she has 0 personality whatsoever...If she wasn't married to the CEO of the network she would have been replaced long ago."
7 Cancel Culture Is Ruining Big Brother & The Community Is Toxic

In one Reddit thread asking for unpopular opinions, the most upvoted answer concerns cancel culture and the so-called toxic community that encourages it with the show.
According to user u/Hyn3s, "I hate how players are flamed for saying the smallest things that may offend people. All the fans being soft and canceling players discourages people from going on the show. Yes I understand as a player you should be really careful of what you say, but being canceled for saying the smallest 'offensive' things makes this community toxic." Most other viewers seem to agree that people should be held accountable for their words and actions.
6 Casting Is More Important Than Gameplay

People look for different things in Big Brother. Some look for fun and interesting people to watch, others prefer strategy and big blindsides. Reddit user u/WatchOutRadioactiveM makes a bold argument that casting is far more important than strategic gameplay and big moves when it comes to the enjoyability of a season.
In their own words, "Casting is way more important than gameplay. BB20 is essentially a steamroll, but the fun cast made it so much more entertaining. BB21 had more back and forth with power, but the casting sucked and made the season not very entertaining."
5 Live Feeds Should Be Scrapped

The live feeds are the most unique aspect of Big Brother. It adds a psychological element to the game (many have quit owing to the stresses of being watched 24/7), and it allows fans to watch literally everything that occurs inside the house. It also reveals important things that the edited show completely ignores. No other reality show offers that kind of intimate access. However, u/kingofdaydreaming wants them scrapped.
As they write, "Live feeds should be scrapped. We're not worthy. People pick apart things HG's say, go into their personal lives, harass their families, put pressure on companies to cease working with the HG's. I'd much rather see 4-5 episodes a week instead with more focus on gameplay."
4 The Jury Is Not Always Right

Jury management is one of the most important aspects of the game, a brilliant marriage between social and strategic gameplay. For many, the jury's word is gospel, and being voted against by the jury is just a result of poor management. A good jury often results in the best finales. However, u/Whitespider331 isn't buying it.
They write, "I disagree with that stupid sentiment that 'the jury is always right' or that the person who makes F2 and gets the most votes deserves to win 100% of the time. The jury can be wrong, and just because their decision is final doesn't mean it's always correct."
3 Vanessa Isn't That Good

Vanessa Rousso was a popular house guest from Big Brother 17. She ended up placing third despite her strategic brilliance and command over the house and its evictions. For many, Vanessa is one of the best players in Big Brother history.
But not u/Walrus_Song. In their opinion, "[Vanessa] isn't as good of a player as a lot of people make her out to be. Her social game is essentially nonexistent, she plays way too hard too quickly, and 9 times out of 10, she would be evicted pre-jury."
2 Liking Paul Abrahamian

Abrahamian played in both Big Brother 18 and 19, but the latter proved a disaster for his personal reputation. He was wildly criticized for both his overly aggressive gameplay (which included betraying allies) and for bullying house guests. For many, bullying is not forgivable, and as a result, Paul has been condemned as one of the biggest villains in Big Brother history.
However, u/DesecrateUsername likes him, writing, "I like Paul. I definitely don't condone the bullying we saw the other night, or last season, but that aside I think he's an alright dude."
1 Hating Double Evictions

Double evictions prove some of the most shocking and unpredictable episodes of their respective seasons, their very natures throwing both the house guests and the viewers for a loop. But this Reddit user doesn't like them, writing, "I HATE double evictions. They are by far my least favorite episodes of each season."
The top responsive comment from u/ShawnSavior defends the double eviction episode and reinforces its popularity, writing, "The fact that you hate double evictions is, I think, a very unpopular opinion."
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