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Vision's Ultimate Form Had More Powers Than Any Other Avenger

Marvel's Vision is one of the most powerful Avengers ever to protect Earth, with his synthezoid body offering a range of powers few other heroes can match. But while fans may know the mainstream green and red Vision, or even his white form as recently depicted on WandaVision - where Vision is played by Paul Bettany - Vision's Ultimate Comics form was his most powerful, boasting a mind-bending array of powers.

This version of Vision hails from Earth-1610, aka the Ultimate Universe, a popular alternate reality in Marvel comics intended to tell new and exciting stories in a modern setting, free of the main timeline's extensive continuity. One of the Ultimate Universe's most ambitious projects was the Ultimate Galactus trilogy, in which the World Devourer descended on Earth in a retelling of Fantastic Four #48's 'The Coming of Galactus.' While Galactus (or "Gah Lak Tus") was far freakier in this reality, Earth's heroes triumphed thanks to the help of a powered-up Vision.

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Vision entered the Ultimate Universe in Ultimate Nightmare, projecting psychic nightmares across the entire planet in an attempt to warn the human race of Gah Lak Tus' approach. Captured and stripped for parts, Vision was partially repaired by Reed Richards and Sam Wilson before taking a new, female form and warning them of the danger to come. This Vision was created by an ancient alien society, sent out to try and warn any planet in the World Devourer's path. Traveling for half a billion years and upgraded by later, even more advanced races, Vision was designed with the core goals of being able to move through space and communicate with any sentient being who would need her warning. But given the sheer scope of her mission, that left Vision with a staggering range of abilities.

Vision was given the ability to manipulate molecules for space flight, allowing her the mainstream Vision's powers of density control and super-fast flight, and she recovers from her damage on Earth by using pico-bots to scavenge materials and rebuild her form. But where her powers really multiply is in the implications of her ability to communicate, as she explains, "There are life forms that have adapted to some very extreme habitats. The event horizons of black holes. The haloes of dying suns. The molten cores of worlds. Can you imagine the languages they speak? ... I'm going to talk Gah Lak Tus to death."

In combat with Gah Lak Tus, Vision demonstrates that her communication powers allow her to cause gravitational flux, fire microwave radiation, and burn holes in spacetime itself. Elsewhere, she uses pheromones that can influence the behavior of others, as well as massive psychic abilities so powerful that her initial warning compels many people to take their own lives. Even beyond the thousands of years of alien languages she's picked up - many of which basically amount to their own superpowers - Vision has committed as much of each culture to her records as possible, memorizing countless fighting disciplines and fields of science unheard of on Earth (a feat that requires she also possess super-intelligence.)

Vision isn't the only hero to weaponize language. The New Mutants' Cypher famously became a master combatant after realizing that combat was just another form of communication and using his mastery of language to become one of the most skilled fighters on the planet. Vision operates on a similar principle, but with millions of years more experience discovering alien life and the ability to change her form in whatever means help her mission (including enhanced strength and durability.)

The only other Avengers who come close to Ultimate Vision's range of abilities are magic users like Doctor Strange and the Scarlet Witch, and even then, Vision's millennia of study likely hand her the win. Sadly, Ultimate Vision still fell to Gah Lak Tus, though the time and insight she offered Earth's heroes allowed them to defeat the cosmic villain. Recently, the evil Reed Richards known as the Maker returned to Earth-1610. With his penchant for advanced tech and familiarity with this Vision, it's possible fans may see the over-powered hero rise again in future issues, though she's as likely to be forced to fight against the Avengers as join them.

Next: Marvel Theory: The X-Men Will Kill The Avengers' Vision

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