While the side characters are wonderfully quirky and the Stars Hollow setting is perfect, Gilmore Girls really shines because of the connection between Rory and Lorelai. Because Lorelai was a teenage mom, she wanted to be close pals with her daughter, and together they laugh, trade pop culture references, and drink too many cups of coffee every day.
Both characters have great romantic partners throughout the show, but their relationship is the most beloved and popular, and it's also unique in pop culture. From their tight-knit days when Rory is in high school to the way that their bond evolves over time, it's fun to take a look at what Rory and Lorelai's connection is like on every season of the show.
8 Season 1: BFFs, Not Just Mother And Daughter

From the pilot of Gilmore Girls, viewers know that Lorelai is a cool mom and that she and Rory have a very different relationship from other parents and children. They talk fast, can finish each other's thoughts and sentences, and have fun eating junk food and hosting movie nights.
At this part of the show, the two main characters are best friends and sometimes have some conflict as a result. When Rory starts falling for Dean, Lorelai is hurt that Rory won't talk to her about him, as Rory keeps both their first meeting and first kiss a secret. The characters also adjust to Rory attending Chilton, as the piles of homework and stressful environment are a lot for both mother and daughter to handle. By the end of season 1, though, fans know that these two will always be close.
7 Season 2: Helping Each Other Through Romantic Drama

The second season of the show is all about relationship drama, and the Gilmore girls are there for each other the entire time. While Rory is still happily dating Dean, she likes Jess as soon as he moves to town. Rory and Lorelai also go on a road trip after Lorelai decides not to marry Max.
Mother and daughter might not agree with each other's choices, especially when Rory doesn't go to Lorelai's graduation ceremony, but they know that they'll always lean on each other and mend each other's broken hearts. It's fascinating to compare their love lives in season 2, as even though Lorelai is an adult, she has as many commitment issues and nerves as her teenage daughter.
6 Season 3: Getting Ready To Send Rory To College

Season 3 of Gilmore Girls makes Rory and Lorelai realize that their lives are about to change. Rory won't be living at home anymore and she'll be off to any Ivy League college.
While Rory starts season 3 thinking that of course she'll go to Harvard, she decides to attend Yale, and she keeps studying hard, dating Jess, hanging out with Lane, and dreaming of the future. Lorelai is definitely sad about the prospect of Rory flying the nest, but she does her best to handle her fears and nerves about the situation.
5 Season 4: Navigating A New Normal

It's a new normal for the Gilmore girls in season 4, as Rory goes to Yale and Lorelai gets ready to open up the Dragonfly Inn with Sookie. It's exciting that both characters are dealing with huge life changes, and adjusting to new situations is definitely the theme of the season.
Although Rory isn't living at home anymore, she comes back often, and she and Lorelai chat on the phone a lot, too, making fans realize that their mother-daughter connection can withstand any changes.
4 Season 5: Cracks In Their Strong Foundation

Sometimes Rory feels more mature than Lorelai, and other times, Lorelai knows what's best for her daughter but Rory doesn't want to listen. That seems to be case in season 5.
This season is when Rory and Lorelai start to have some trouble in their relationship. Lorelai doesn't like the way that Rory's life is going, as she doesn't approve of Logan thanks to his rich background, and she gets really mad when Rory wants to leave Yale for a while. Rory is insistent that she knows what she's doing, but fans wonder why she's making these choices.
3 Season 6: Drifting Apart... Then Back Together

The sixth season of Gilmore Girls is a tricky one for fans — how can Rory and Lorelai stop talking to each other? They are both hurt and angry, and while it seems like of course they'll reunite, it's still pretty painful to watch.
Rory leans on Logan, and Lorelai tries to lean on Luke, although that romance is complicated by his daughter April Nardini. Viewers are relieved when Rory and Lorelai do get back together and resume their regular close relationship. It's hard for both of them to be apart, but they're both stubborn and feel it's the only thing they can do at the time.
2 Season 7: Approaching A Huge Change In Their Relationship

Season 7 has ups and downs, and several viewers wish that Amy Sherman-Palladino had still been on board writing the episodes and spearheading the storylines.
In this season of Gilmore Girls, Rory and Lorelai are getting ready for another big change in their relationship: Rory graduating from Yale and moving away. While it was a big change for her to go to college, she was only a few hours away and visited a lot, so Lorelai didn't have to let go quite so much. Throughout this final season, Rory is interviewing for reporter jobs that will take her to new cities, and it seems clear that she's going to leave. In the last episode, everyone gathers to say goodbye to Rory, as she gets ready to be a journalist for Barack Obama's campaign.
1 A Year In The Life: Both At A Crossroads But Still Close

In some ways, A Year In The Life is better than the original series, but it also sometimes fails to capture the same magic and tone.
In these four episodes, the main characters are still close, which fans love seeing, and they're also at a huge crossroads. Rory is struggling in her career and wondering what to do, and Lorelai wonders if she's ever going to marry Luke, along with why they never had a child together. The heartwarming premise of Gilmore Girls has always been that this cool mom and smart daughter love each other so much that they can get through anything together, and thankfully, that feeling still exists in the revival.
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