Warning! Spoilers for the Wednesday, October 7 episode of Big Brother below!
Cody Calafiore has won the Power of Veto on Big Brother 22: All-Stars, guaranteeing that he holds all the power this week. The Committee alliance on BB22 won virtually every single competition in the season. In fact, the only non-Committee houseguest that managed to become Head of Household during the season was Enzo Palumbo, who is technically a bigger part of the Committee than some of its actual alliance members. Otherwise, the players have only been able to gain power through different twists such as the Safety Suite and the BB Basement competitions.
The Committee alliance also dominated all of the competitions for the Power of Veto on Big Brother 22. All season long, there were only two houseguests (besides Enzo) that managed to win the POV and who were not part of the Committee: Kevin Campbell on week 4 and Da'Vonne Rogers on week 6. Interestingly, these were also the only two times that the veto was used in the season. Both times, the POV was used to veto Kevin's nomination and save him from the block. Now, the house has a new - and expected - POV holder.
Cody was already the HOH of the week, but he has now also managed to win the POV, which gives him the power to lock his nominations on Big Brother: All-Stars. As seen in the live feeds after Thursday night's episode, Cody won the subsequent HOH competition. He then nominated Christmas Abbott and Tyler Crispen for eviction. In a way, they both expected their nominations, but Christmas has been confident that Tyler is the real target of the week. Tyler tried his hardest at the POV competition that followed, but Cody still managed to win it. This means that viewers looking for a surprising turn of events this week must turn elsewhere, as Cody is absolutely not using the veto to change his nominations in any way.

The BB22 house is not on Christmas' side at all, and the Final 3 agreement between her, Enzo, and Memphis is a complete fluke. That said, the All-Stars seem to be way more threatened by Tyler's silent gameplay than by Christmas' easy-to-predict game moves. Cody, Enzo, and Memphis also feel that Christmas is easier to sway than Tyler, and it all adds up to keeping her around for another week. All things considered, Christmas' sense of security is completely unwarranted - she will likely become the next target if she doesn't win HOH or POV.
With only six players left in the house, the game is now tighter than ever. Cody is still in a very good position in the game, but Memphis or Christmas winning the next HOH would likely result in a nomination block between Cody and Nicole. Nonetheless, it still seems like Enzo is not being targeted by anyone anytime soon.
Big Brother 22: All-Stars airs Mondays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays at 8pm EST on CBS.
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