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Full House: The 10 Worst Things DJ Has Done | ScreenRant

There are a lot of notable oldest siblings on TV. There's Greg from The Brady Bunch, Meg from Family Guy, and then, of course, there's DJ from Full House. As the oldest of three, she was always there to set an example for her younger sisters Stephanie and Michelle. She was the first to date, the first to drive, and the first to get in trouble!

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While she sometimes could be a good role model, DJ wasn't always leading with her best foot forward. She often would get herself into a tough situation and then try to get out by herself. This didn't always go very well!

10 Scraping Up Jesse's Car

DJ has recently reached a big teenage milestone - she turned sixteen and is learning to drive! Her dad decides to take her out first, but he is a very tense teacher or is overly cautious. Jesse then takes his own shot at teaching, and he is the complete opposite of Danny, giving little to no direction as DJ pulls out onto the road. This results in her taking a sharp turn and scratching his beautiful car! Yikes.

9 Dropping The TV Over The Balcony

DJ and Kimmy have to watch the news for their homework, but they would much rather be watching the Top Ten Video Countdown. Kimmy comes up with the great idea to bring the living room TV upstairs with the bedroom TV so that they can watch the news and the video countdown at the same time.

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While resting the TV on the edge of the balcony, Kimmy's jacket gets caught underneath. She then tugs on her jacket, resulting in the TV crashing to the floor below. Danny is not happy about this at all!

8 Sneaking Out

DJ has a date with a cute boy, and she's really excited about it. However, her plans get ruined when her dad tells her that she has to stay home and study. DJ wants to go meet with the boy to explain everything to him, and she asks Becky to cover for her. Becky really wants DJ to trust her, so she agrees. DJ stays out longer than they agreed, putting them both in the dog house!

7 Ruining Her Sweater (And Wearing A Stolen One)

Danny, Joey, and Jesse get DJ a brand new sweater that she has been begging for, and she absolutely loves it. Unfortunately, it gets shredded to bits when she takes it off at school and leaves it on the lawn for the mower to run over. Due to a misunderstanding, Stephanie takes a new sweater from the store without paying for it, not realizing that she's stealing. DJ knows it's stolen though, and she wears it to dinner that evening with the intent of returning it the next day.

6 Destroying The Kitchen

DJ and her boyfriend Steve just want a little bit of privacy, but after DJ accidentally breaks curfew and stays out with him too late, she is no longer allowed at his apartment.

RELATED: Full House: The Best Episode Of Each Season, According To IMDb

After being chased out of every room in the house, the couple end up in a cement truck that Jesse rented for a project. While trying to get a bit cuddly in the front seat, DJ accidentally turns on the cement truck, sending the extending arm crashing through the kitchen window which then pours cement all over the floor!

5 Skipping School

Super rad singer Stacey Q is going to be in town signing autographs, and DJ just has to get one! Unfortunately, the event is happening during school, which her dad says she cannot miss. DJ tricks Jesse into giving her a plan to get out of school anyway in order to get the autograph, and her plan works almost perfectly... except that Joey decides to go get the autograph for her and finds her there. Oops!

4 Going To See Viper

Uncle Jesse has a new band, and DJ is dating Viper, the guitar player. Danny is not completely on board with her dating someone in a band, and he does not want her driving far away to see their show. When he doesn't give her the keys to his car, she decides that she will go to see her boyfriend anyway using Kimmy's. Danny gets pretty mad about this, but DJ does not care. She is determined to do what she pleases and date who she wants.

3 Buying A Horse

DJ is in love with a horse named Rocket down at the local stables, and she would love to buy him! Guess who said no? DJ decides that she will pay the fees to feed and house Rocket for two weeks to show her dad that she is responsible enough to own a horse, but she doesn't exactly tell him about her plan.

RELATED: 10 Animals Featured On Full House

Once the two weeks are up and the money is out, DJ takes the horse home so that the stable owner doesn't sell him to someone else. A horse in the house was not what Danny wanted to come home to!

2 Sneaking Her Sisters Into A Movie

DJ is supposed to be babysitting Stephanie, who has a paper to write, and Michelle, who has a bad case of the sniffles. The oldest sister, however, has other plans. Steve asks her out on a date for the first time, so she drags the girls along with her, even though Danny said that they can't leave the house. At the movies, there isn't enough money, so Kimmy, who works there, helps sneak them in. Unfortunately, they get caught by the movie manager, and DJ ends up confessing everything to her dad later.

1 Dropping Danny's Ring Down The Drain

Danny has decided that it's time to take off his wedding ring for when his date comes over. Jesse and Joey have dates too, so it's up to DJ to babysit the girls upstairs. While playing dress-up, Stephanie puts on the ring, but DJ quickly takes it from her... and drops it down the drain! Don't worry; she can fix this! All she needs is some tools to open the pipes. However, this ends up flooding the bathroom! As DJ says, "This is worth more than $2.50 an hour!"

NEXT: Full House: The Worst Episode Of Each Season, According To IMDb

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