When AMC brought the comic book Preacher to the small screen, it was a huge gamble. The network already had a huge success with the comic book adaptation of The Walking Dead, but Preacher was very different. It was an R-rated comic book that was sacrilegious and profane and would have as many detractors as it had fans.
Not only did AMC adapt Preacher, but the network allowed the showrunners to go even further in some cases. With the addition of long scenes in Hell, including making Adolf Hitler a character in the series, it was almost a shock that the show lasted four seasons and ended as planned. What is even more shocking is that Hitler wasn't even the scariest character in the series.
10 Odin Quincannon

Odin Qincannon could have been one of the scariest characters in the Preacher series but AMC chose to hold back a little with what makes the character so deranged. Despite that, he is still a frightening old man who is a danger to all around him.
Played by Jackie Earle Haley, Odin is a sadistic slaughterhouse owner who is a twisted man who became even more dangerous when Jesse used his power to tell him to serve God, turning him into a sadistic murderer who served the "meat god."
9 Allfather D'Aronique

In the comics, Allfather D'Aronique was not only one of the scariest characters in the series but one of the most disgusting. What he did was beyond moral and he was almost more of a villain than anyone in the series.
In the AMC Preacher TV show, the Allfather was just as bad and was the man who wanted to start the apocalypse to recreate the world in his own image. As a large grotesque man, he was unstoppable with an entire army behind him, the only man who could touch him being Jesse Custer.
8 Sarah Featherstone

Lara Featherstone was scary because she was a woman who carried herself respectfully, but was willing to do anything to back her beliefs. As a follower of Herr Starr, and someone who wanted more from him than just to follow his orders, she did several brutal things throughout the series.
Lara was one person who took down Tulip, killing her in New Orleans. The fact she got one over on one of the show's most powerful characters speaks volumes, making her the scariest killer for the Grail.
7 Cassidy

Cassidy was one of the heroes of Preacher, but he was also a vampire that no one could really trust. While he loved both Jesse and Tulip, he betrayed them more than once, and while this led to his eventual redemption on the show, he was always dangerous to anyone around him.
Thanks to Cassidy's Preacher quotes, Cassidy was even scarier when he went to the deep dark places in his vampire soul. When he killed other vampires who worshipped him, it was brutal and unforgiving. Cassidy was even worse in the comics, but his character on AMC was scary enough to make him a man no one wanted to cross.
6 Herr Starr

Herr Starr was the best villain in the Preacher comics, and Pip Torrens brilliantly brought him to life on the AMC series. In both, he was a smart man with strong beliefs and someone who knew that it wasn't always smart to follow the people you worked for if you could topple them from the top.
However, Herr Starr was scarier in the Preacher TV show than in the comics for one big reason. In the comics, he lost a lot in his battle with Jesse and Tulip finally killed him in the end. This didn't happen on the Preacher TV seriers. In this adaptation, he won, which is the scariest proposition of them all.
5 Jesse Custer

Jesse Custer is the hero of Preacher. He was the son of a small-town preacher who had a hard life as a child. When his dad died, Jesse lived with his grandmother, who was an evil hard woman. This made Jesse hard as well, and while he isn't an evil man, he does very bad things in his life.
When Jesse received the Voice of God from Genesis, he became very scary. Anything he told someone happened. When he told a young man who came to him for help to "go to hell," the boy went to Hell and stayed there. Jesse was someone no one wanted to fight, even with an army at their back.
4 Tulip O'Hare

Tulip and Jesse are part of a love triangle with Cassidy, and when Jesse disappeared, Tulip went on a very different life path. She became a hired killer and she was very good at her job. The Tulip in the AMC Preacher TV series was very different than the one in the comics, and much more dangerous.
Both were killers, but the comic book version was incapable of holding herself together. Tulip in the TV series was not only strong and powerful, but she was even scarier than Jesse, just without the supernatural powers. Yes, Featherstone killed her, but that wouldn't happen again and Tulip even stood up to God and made him think twice.
3 God

Preacher made God not only a scary being but also a very strange one. When Jesse first saw God, he was dressed up like a dalmatian and was involved in strange sex acts. However, what made him dangerous was the fact he was in the fight or flight stage.
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God was why The Saint of Killers family was murdered and he had Tulip killed, only to resurrect her to force her to help him. God is all-powerful and he would do anything to save himself, even if it meant running away from Heaven. No one on Earth could beat God, and he was a vindictive and scary creator.
2 The Saint of Killers

The Saint of Killers was easily the best character in Preacher comics and he was fantastic in the AMC series as well. He was an unstoppable killing machine, someone who had a single focus and never relented until his target was dead. He also had a gun that could kill anyone - no matter how powerful.
The Saint of Killers was the scariest killer on the TV series, and he was like Jason Voorhees and Michael Myers rolled into one, a monster who could survive any attack and walk through unscathed with his guns blazing.
1 Gran'ma L'Angelle

While not the unstoppable killer that The Saint of Killers was, Gran'ma L'Angelle was easily the scariest character in both the comics and the AMC TV show. She raised Jesse after his dad died and would often bury him in the swamps in a coffin as punishment, to instill discipline and fear into the child.
She had two henchmen who would do anything she commanded them to do. Jesse knew he needed help with the Grail and went to Gran'ma since he knew no one eviler than her, and she proved her mettle when she sat face-to-face with Satan himself and never flinched. She was an evil, scary woman, and no one dared cross her, not even her own grandson.
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