Bachelor In Paradise guest host Lil Jon is taking Natasha Parker's side amid her drama with contestants Brendan Morais and Pieper James. The dramatic situation began when Natasha found a connection with Brendan early on in the season. Though the two remained flirty, Natasha's red flags began waving when Brendan refused to make a move on her. To make matters worse, fan favorite Demi Burnett took interest in Natasha's man once she arrived in Mexico and asked him on a date, leaving Natasha alone with the gossiping cast for the day. It didn't take long before rumors starting circulating that Brendan already made a connection with Pieper back home before the show and was allegedly just wasting time before she eventually arrived. Though Natasha was disturbed by the rumors, she took comfort in Brendan denying them.
Despite Natasha's best attempts, her worst nightmare came true when Pieper arrived at the beach and immediately asked Brendan on her date without even looking at the other men up for grabs. It didn't take long for the pair's secret plan to be revealed. Brendan essentially admitted to Pieper that he lead Natasha on in order to make it to the week of her arrival. Pieper responded with giggles, thanking her "boyfriend" for "playing the game." Drama erupted the next morning when Natasha got the opportunity to talk to the pair separately and realized she was a casualty in the couple's plan. The episode ended with Brendan and Pieper discussing their follower counts on social media. Since then, Brendan and Pieper have collectively lost hundreds of thousands of followers. Though the couple made it through that next week, the group of singles of the beach were annoyed that they were lucky enough to still be enjoying the fruits of the Bachelor In Paradise labor and convinced them to leave together. When it came down to the rose ceremony that night right before Lil Jon's arrival, bartender Wells Adams requested an additional rose to save Natasha, giving her a second chance at love this season.
Lil Jon knew there was trouble in paradise once he arrived on the beach, but admits to Entertainment Tonight that he immediately took Natasha's side. "You can't come to Paradise already having a significant other, man. And for clout, come on, man, this is not what it's about," the rapper said, adding contestants should only agree to the show if they're open to exploring every relationship until they find true love. But Brendan and Pieper weren't the only couple guilty of planning a situation where they'd get to stay on the show long term. Chris Conran and Alana Milne also found themselves in a similar situation where the other contestants worked together to send them home, drama that Lil Jon supports.
Now that the rapper understands everything that's going down on the beach, he wanted to arrive and flip the dramatic energy. "I saw and understood... all of the BS Brendan put Natasha through. I saw all of that. It was just a somber mood because so many people went home too," he said of the four women who didn't get roses. "I wanted to come in and immediately change all of that energy. We got to change this energy. We got to get some more positive energy, some more fun, some more light." Lil Jon accomplished his goal by convincing Natasha to spray the group with champagne, and then inviting the entire cast to take a group shot. Though the fresh start was needed, Lil Jon confirmed there's much more drama to come between a new contestant shooting their shot at breaking up Riley Christian and Maurissa Gunn, and a tropical storm that forced everyone to evacuate the beach for the first time ever.
Between Lil Jon's catchphrases and the rapper's desire to party, the upcoming episodes are sure to have a different vibe. As much as Bachelor Nation lives for the drama, it's nice to watch the contestants all get along and have some fun every now and then. Though Natasha's future on Bachelor In Paradise is uncertain, it seems as though she has captured the hearts of all of the guest hosts who want her to have a redo experience.
Source: Entertainment Tonight
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