Rose Vega of 90 Day Fiance shared a classy quote on her Instagram, and some fans couldn't resist mocking it. Viewers think that Rose probably didn't even know the quote's meaning before sharing it on her account. Rose is one of the biggest success stories of the 90 Day Fiance franchise. She has only appeared on 90 Day Fiance: Before The 90 Days season 4 and still has got over 600K followers on Instagram and over 700K subscribers on YouTube.
She has also bagged several deals with various brands in the Philippines. The 25-year-old beauty is now working as a model and keeps on showing off her iconic fashion moments on social media. Many 90 Day Fiance fans get inspired by Rose's exponential growth and biggest transformation, and want her to fulfill her every dream. She is now enjoying her success and newfound career. Rose appears content being a mommy, and it doesn't seem like she is looking to date anyone at the moment. Recently, Rose shared a quote on Instagram, which received some flack from some 90 Day Fiance fans.
She shared, "Don't be so quick to judge me, you only see what I choose to show you." A fan admired this quote and reposted it on Reddit with the title, "Classic and classy Rose, the Queen." However, a few fans think Rose isn't as inspirational as many viewers perceive her to be. Since she was featured alongside "predator" and "creep" Big Ed, she came out looking like an angel. A critic commented, "I'm all Rose vs that disgusting pig Ed but considering she is on 90DF....ya'll give her WAYYYYYY too much credit."
Someone said that Rose might not be as controversial as "Brittany but she sure as hell ain't no d**n Mother Teresa either." Another social media user wrote, "I bet she has no clue what that means, or that some of us can see that she's not as deep as she thinks she is." Rose's performance on 90 Day Fiance shows that she can understand English very well. However, she may not be an expert at reading or speaking the language. Rose may not be a saint, but her story does inspire many women. The reality TV star receives tons of messages from female fans who admire her courage and say that she has become their role model.
Even though Rose lived in challenging living situations and wasn't as privileged as other 90 Day Fiance stars, she became one of the most successful stars. She should be commended for making some good decisions and using her fame in the best way possible. The single mama also decided to invest her hard-earned money in buying properties in her home country. She could have spent that cash on getting plastic surgeries just like other 90 Day Fiance stars, but she preferred not to.
Source: Reddit
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