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Most Heartwarming Scenes Of The Entire Series | ScreenRant

Each episode of Brooklyn Nine-Nine is packed with scenes guaranteed to make anyone watching laugh out loud. From the character's humorous antics to epic one-liners, there's no shortage of material to leave you tickled-pink with laughter. But, apart from the humor, sometimes Brooklyn Nine-Nine gets real, tackling deep issues like discrimination.

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Whether the show is poking fun at the lives of its characters with funny scenes like the myriad of Halloween Heists the main squad of the precinct engages in or addressing some serious issues, some heartwarming scenes often arise.

10 Family Game Night

The episode, "Game Night," when Rosa came out to her parents was hailed as one of the best episodes of Brooklyn Nine-Nine as it struck a chord with many people. While her 99 squad accepted her truth with open arms, hearts, and minds, her actual family was not so understanding. They reacted badly to the news, calling her bisexuality a phase that would pass and something inconsequential.

The worst blow was when, even after her father accepted her, Rosa's mother was still on the fence and she was uninvited to their weekly family game night. Jake, having been at the awkward center of the fight between Rosa and her parents, gathered the squad and went to Rosa's apartment with games and pizza for a family game night of their own. It was touching for Rosa to know that even though her family was struggling with processing her truth, she had another family that accepted her.

9 "Show Me Going"

A typical day in the life of a cop involves tracking down criminals, bringing them down, and generally facing danger. Once in a while, they face moments of grave, life-threatening danger, and Brooklyn Nine-Nine portrayed this during season 5, episode 20, "Show Me Going." Rosa and many other cops were in a building with an active shooter and the rest of the squad had no choice but to sit and wait, while they listened to reports of shots fired and officers down.

In the end, when Rosa finally came back to the station, everyone was relieved that she was safe and unharmed. The hugs she got from Gina and Amy (who was covered in toilet water from her attempts at fixing a broken toilet) were both sweet and touching, especially because Rosa isn't one to show emotion, even at the best of times.

8 April 28th

One of the best Halloween Heists was "HalloVeen" from season 5. The heist ended with Jake proposing to Amy, and while that was absolutely adorable, the story behind the proposal was even better.

While everyone was trying to take credit for giving Jake the idea to propose, he told them the decision came to him on April 28th. Confused because it wasn't a significant date, Amy asked why that date in particular. The scene flashed back to a scene of Amy and Jake in bed, while he was reading and she was doing a crossword puzzle. She complained about a typo in the puzzle and he looked over at her with a smile and at that moment, he knew he wanted to marry her.

7 Saving the Nine-Nine

At one time, the 99th precinct was at risk of being closed. Each member of the squad dealt with the pending shutdown in a different way. Amy and Holt spent the time catching up on mentorship, Jake and Charles did everything they ever wanted to do while solving their last case and Gina spent the day tricking people into drinking cement.

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As they awaited the results, Captain Holt gave a touching speech about the Nine-Nine and their duty to serve the community. Gina's fans heard the speech via a video she was recording for a prank and were so touched they demanded that the Nine-Nine remain open.

6 Dog Funeral

Charles' attachment to his dogs was so strong that when one of them—Jason—died, he was heartbroken and barely able to function. At first, Rosa told him to get over it because it was just a dog. When that didn't work, Rosa got a new dog and offered it to Charles, telling him to even name it Jason to replace the one he'd lost.

Charles declined and Rosa was forced to look after the dog until she could figure out what to do with it. During that time, she grew attached to the dog, named him Arlo, and began to understand how Charles was feeling. Instead of forcing him to move on, she organized a funeral for Jason and told Charles to take all the time he needed to work through his grief.

5 Baby Ava and Godfather/Godhusband Jake

Terry was a proud father of twins and in season 3, episode 8, "Ava," when his wife, Sharon, was expecting their third child. The birth was surrounded by drama, which involved Sharon almost giving birth at the station. Jake, whom Terry had left to watch Sharon, had to make the difficult decision to take Sharon to the hospital even though both Sharon and Terry hadn't wanted that because of a previous bad experience during the birth of the twins.

At the end of the day, everything went well and Sharon delivered her baby safely. Terry called Jake in afterward and introduced him to Ava as her godfather in a sweet, touching moment that brought tears to the eyes of many.

4 Baby Mac

No matter how many times the baby thing is done on the show, Brooklyn Nine-Nine managed to maintain the beauty of the moment every time. After a long time of shipping Amy and Jake together, fans were delighted to see them have a baby. As with all things Brooklyn Nine-Nine, the whole event was shrouded in drama, including a city-wide blackout, foiled bank robbery, an epic dance to "Push It" by Holt and Terry, and an appearance from Sergeant Peanut Butter.

Despite all that, Baby Mac arrived safely and watching Amy and Jake embrace their son was quite a tear-jerking moment that will forever remain on the minds of every Brooklyn Nine-Nine fan.

3 Toit Nups

Even a bomb threat couldn't keep these two lovebirds from saying their "I Do's." The day didn't go as planned. They couldn't use their venue, Amy's dress was ruined, Cheddar ate half of the wedding cake, and Amy's ex kept proposing to her. But still, Charles managed to pull off the perfect wedding for Amy and Jake at the last minute.

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With Holt as the officiant and even an appearance from Mlepnos (someone Amy and Jake met on the job during the first season), everything about the wedding was beautiful. It was quite rewarding for fans of the show who'd spent seasons shipping the two.

2 Gina Moments

Gina was famous for epic one-liners and the shadiest burns in the precinct. But she also had her sweet moments. Ironically, some of these were part of her "Gina Moments," a parting gift to everyone in the precinct when she decided to quit her job and follow her dreams.

It's hard to pick a favorite, but one of the sweetest of these Gina moments was the 1-year yogurt subscription she gifted Terry. Especially given how much Terry loves yogurt.

1 Breakup Music

Rosa wasn't one to show emotions, especially at work, so Holt was caught totally off-guard when she burst into tears after revealing that her girlfriend had broken up with her. Holt felt especially bad because he wrongly assumed she wanted to propose to Jocelyn.

To make her feel better, Holt did something she wanted with her. In this case, it was sitting at a bar, listening to death metal music through headphones. Even though he hated the music, Holt stuck it out because he wanted to be there for Rosa and she greatly appreciated that.

NEXT: Brooklyn Nine-Nine: 10 Questions The Final Season Needs To Answer

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