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Big Brother: 10 Reinventions The Series Needs | ScreenRant

One of the longest-running reality shows on TV right now is Big BrotherWith 20+ years on the air, it has clearly got some fantastic staying power. However, all shows need to adapt.

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While Big Brother's formula is solid, it can use some tune-up in certain areas. Any show could use a bit of reinvention after 20 years on air, and Big Brother is no exception. The first area that the show needs some work in is in the casting process.

10 Casting Beyond Stereotypes

The show has fallen into a pretty standard habit nowadays of casting people in their early 20s that all fit a particular body type. Those sorts of players are fine, but not when they take up the entire cast.

When every person on the show is a carbon copy of the next, things start to blend together. The show needs more varied casting in just about every single way, age, body type, but especially when it comes to the topic of diversity.

9 Additional Diversity

Another issue that the show has been running into as of late is minority players getting targeted very early on in the season, with the power alliances always being full of a group of players that viewers have come to expect.

If the producers focused on making sure that diversity is at the forefront of the casting process, eviction couldn't be targeted in such a way, which is something that is very much so needed. Big Brother 22 was a lot of things, but at the very least, Da'Vonne's powerful eviction speeches helped to prove that there needs to be a change in the system.

8 New Weekly Challenges

The two major powers of Big Brother each week are the HOH and Veto. The HOH decides who gets nominated week-by-week, and the Veto has the ability to save one of the two from elimination.

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Why not throw more competitions in here and there, or even take one out every now and then? It can't hurt to keep the houseguests on their toes and make sure that nothing gets stale. More variety only means more drama.

7 Great Twists

There are flashes of good and even great twists on every season of Big Brother; Camp Comeback, the Safety Suite, and even older seasons such as six's secret partners.

These twists need to keep coming, with perhaps a bit more work. Camp Comeback shouldn't have just ended with a quick competition, and the Safety Suite could have been turned into something new once it had been retired. There are great twists waiting to happen that the producers need to utilize.

6 Cut Off Massive Alliances

Massive alliances have become the norm on new-school seasons of Big BrotherA majority of the house works together to target who they want to, and then they leave, simple as that. This needs to be stopped in order to keep the game feeling fresh. Things don't need to go this way.

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There are plenty of twists that can be implemented by producers in order to keep large alliances at bay. The show is just getting too predictable, and such twists could help.

5 More Varied Competitions

Competitions on Big Brother are mental, physical, or endurance-based, or one other category... but more on that later. All the time. Always. There surely has to be a different type of competition that can be introduced, right?

At least switch up the order that these competitions show up in so they can't be predicted so easily.

4 No More Crapshoot Competitions

The final category of HOH competitions is crapshoots - competitions that aren't skill-based

. Instead, they're all about luck. These competitions need to be phased out. In a game that is so determinant on who has power from week to week, the balance can't hang on luck. It's all worth too much to come down to a game of chance.

3 Interesting Powers That Require Risk

Powers are something that players can earn on the show from time to time that can help them out tremendously in the game. Often, these come through a small competition or a vote by America.

Why not make these powers a little harder to come by? If a player wants power in the game, they should be forced to take a massive risk set up by the producers in order to get it.

2 Don't Reveal The Voting Numbers

Every week when someone is evicted on Big Brother, Julie reads out the numbers of how many votes were cast in each direction. When she does this, it reveals too much to the other players.

If these numbers were instead kept private, it could encourage the houseguests to actually flip, not be a part of the majority, which has become a crucial part of a player's standing in the game nowadays. If one doesn't vote with the majority, they're out. It makes for a boring game.

1 Triple Evictions & Buybacks

Big Brother 22's triple eviction was one of the only highlights of an otherwise dull and predictable season. The episode was full of drama that the season was sorely lacking.

More of that, along with additional buybacks for players to have another chance to get back into the game, can keep things fresh, so the more of them that there are, the merrier.

NEXT: Big Brother: 5 Reasons We Need Another Over The Top (& 5 We Need Another Celebrity Edition)

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