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Schitt's Creek: Most Relatable Quotes From The Roses | ScreenRant

In 2015 a little show called Schitt's Creek burst onto the screens and quietly showed people that big budgets and over the top gags are not needed for a show to be truly funny. The little show that was unsure if it would get picked up lasted eight seasons and eighty episodes.

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Over the Rose family's time on the air, they gave the world some of the best one-liners and relatable quotes that a wealthy family defrauded by their business manager and forced to live in the small town they owned the government allowed them to keep ever have.

With the sheer amount of goodness that has come out of Rose's collective mouths, we understand it is easy to get overwhelmed, trying to narrow them down. We have done it here with their top 8 relatable quotes.

10 "I Am Suddenly Overwhelmed With Regret. It's A New Feeling For  Me, And I Don't Find It At All Pleasurable."

Oh, Moira. In Season 2, "Moira's Nudes" gave us plenty of gems from the Rose family matriarch. Her reaction to finding out that there are old nude photographs of her online contains all the feels that viewers would want Moira to have at this news. From watching her have to enlist the help of those more technologically savvy people around her to her having a well, this is bad, but at least I looked good, this quote sums Moira up in a way unmistakably her.

9 "He Told Me He Doesn't Want My Help, So I'm Just Going To Play The Supportive Partner And Watch Him Fail."

In Season 5, David has come so far, and his relationship with Patrick was pure endgame. It was great to see that even the transformative experience of finding not just his true love but his platonic (now) soulmate in Stevie could not cut the snark out of David Rose. When this comes out of his mouth, there is nobody who has ever been in a long term relationship that has at least thought that, so everyone cheered just a bit when David said the thing most of us have held in at one point or another.

8 "Are You In Danger? Blink If You're In Danger."

In the tenth episode of the first season, David and Stevie are caught after their first sexual encounter by Johnny. Stevie initially tries to cover the fact but is acting so out of character that Johnny becomes concerned for her. He decides to try and figure out if she is in a dangerous situation by telling her to blink if she is in danger.

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His genuine care and concern for her shines through and is when many people fell a little in love with him. It also was the start of one of the most genuine and sincere relationships on the show. Everyone has had that moment in life when they have misinterpreted a situation and jumped to the worst-case scenario.

7 "I Don't Skate Through Life, David. I Walk Through Life. In Really Nice Shoes."

Alexis graces David with advice on his exam anxiety when he retakes his driver's test, causing a long unspoken issue between them to bubble to the surface. As David points out to Alexis that she has had things easier than most people, including other privileged members of society, he uses the phrase "skating through life." This phrase sets Alexis off, and she strikes back. She is oblivious to the ease with which she has existed and explains to David that she walks in her adorable shoes. This sums Alexis up in grand fashion. It is not enough for her to say that she walks through life; she has to clarify that she does so in designer shoes.

6 "If Airplane Safety Videos Have Taught Me Anything, David, It's That A Mother Puts Her Own Mask On First."

There is nothing like when Moira gives the audience an insight into her views on parenting. Though a bit harsh, the sentiment here is somewhat accurate. The safety videos and charts on airplanes do make this point very clear to successfully take care of your children in the event of an emergency while on a plane, you have to take care of yourself first.

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Taken at face value, this could be considered a sage view on parenting...taking care of yourself is vital to take care of those depending on you successfully. Right?

5 "I'm Trying Very Hard Not To Connect With People Right Now."

When asked by his father in the second episode of season one what the name of the sarcastic woman who worked at the check-in desk (Stevie), his sleepy and sarcastic response is that he has no clue; he is avoiding connections with people at this point. Every single person who has ever had a bad day has had this feeling. When David growls this out, there is no response Johnny can have but to walk away. The fact that David Rose can always be counted on to say our most internal snarky thoughts makes it that much easier to face the world.

4 "Tweet Us On Facebook!"

In this phrase, viewers from their early twenties to late thirties saw their parents and smiled and groaned at once. When people out of the social media generation try to be savvy to branding online, it is really endearing and also frustrating at the same time. Johnny represented an entire generation in this one simple four-word phrase, and he did it sweetly. Business owners and managers who are struggling to adapt to the world of online marketing are such a big part of the business world right now that it was refreshing to see someone accurately depict their enthusiastic confusion.

3 "You Know What, David? You Get Murdered First For Once."

In the series premiere, David and younger sister Alexis share a small motel room that adjoins their parents'. After living the lives of privilege and having everything they wanted, it was a huge shock. Alexis claimed the bed further from the door, and David demands she give it up.

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When she asks why he explains that if someone breaks in, they will attack and kill the person in the bed closest to the door first. A fight ensues that culminates in Alexis putting her foot down and demanding that David take the ground and die first. Everyone with an older sibling has hit this breaking point and stood up for themselves. Younger siblings everywhere applauded her at that moment.

2 "Gossip Is The Devil's Telephone. Best To Just Hang Up."

After spending time having a cup of coffee and gossiping with Twyla about her daughter Alexis and her love life, Moira offers up this gem of advice to the diner owner. The best part about this is that Moira is delightfully unaware of how hypocritical this advice is as she gives the motherly, knowing look after engaging not only in gossip but of gossip about her kid. That is just exceptionally Moira.

1 "Very Uninterested In That Opinion."

David Rose only says this once, but it is his mantra. Everything about him from the time the audience meets him says this, and many people love him for it. Everyone has wanted to say this to someone in their life at some point, but few people would have the guts to say it out loud. David says it, acts it and backs it up with his gestures, face, and general attitude. This quote is everything David Rose, and what made him such a beloved character on the show. Now that the series has ended, this will be what most people miss most about him.

NEXT: Schitt's Creek: 5 Funniest Moments (& 5 Most Touching Moments) From The Final Season

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