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Harry Potter: Ranking Every Heroes' Death | ScreenRant

If there was one film series that defined many people's childhoods, it was the Harry Potter franchise. For 10 years, audiences were invested in the battle between good and evil as Harry waged war on Lord Voldemort. Fans also loved watching the friendships between the characters go from strength to strength as they overcame some powerful enemies.

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However, despite many moments of lightheartedness in the series, there have also been several steeped in tragedy. As many fans know, some of their favorite heroes didn't make it to the end, with most falling during the Second Wizarding War. Which character had the saddest yet most heroic death?

10 Harry Potter

Although it was only for a short amount of time, one of the most heroic deaths has to be Harry's. As many fans know, Harry had to sacrifice himself as he realized a part of Voldemort lived within him. If Harry and his army were going to defeat the Dark Lord, they needed to destroy all the Horcruxes — which meant Harry had to die.

While Harry was later resurrected, he didn't know this when he was saying goodbye to Hermione and Ron. Nevertheless, he was okay with dying because he had faith that his friends would be able to band together and finish Voldemort off. It was by far the bravest and most noble thing he ever did.

9 Lily & James Potter

Two of the most underrated heroes of the Harry Potter franchise had to Lily and James Potter. After Snape confessed to Dumbledore what Voldemort was planning, Lily and James went into hiding. However, after Pettigrew revealed their location to Voldemort, the two had a fierce battle on their hands.

Despite the pair being defenseless, James and Lily did their best to hold him off. James fought the Dark Lord so Lily and Harry could escape, ultimately losing, and Lily died shielding her son. Their sacrifices should always be remembered.

8 Alastor Moody

Dedicated to the very end, Alastor Moody was also another unsung hero of the franchise. Although Moody didn't give the best first impression among the students, fans were nevertheless sad when the Auror died during the Battle of the Seven Potters.

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As Moody and co. were attempting to help Harry get to the Burrow safely, Voldemort and his Death Eaters ambushed them. With Mundungus Fletcher abandoning him in the middle of the battle, Moody was vulnerable to attack and ended up being killed by Voldemort. Nevertheless, Moody's death was honorable as he died protecting Harry.

7 Nymphadora Tonks

A member of the Order of the Phoenix and a Metamorphmagus, Nymphadora Tonks' death also broke the fans' hearts. During the Battle of Hogwarts, Neville called upon the Order of the Phoenix and Dumbledore's Army to join them in fighting Voldemort and the Death Eaters.

While Tonks agreed to stay behind to watch her and Lupin's son, Teddy, she changed her mind and joined her husband on the frontlines. Although she took down several Death Eaters, Tonks was murdered by Bellatrix. Her body was then laid out next to her husband's in the Great Hall.

6 Professor Lupin

Although Remus wasn't related to Harry, he was just as much of a godfather to the teenager as he protected him and taught him how to defend himself. Lupin was also a close confidant of the Boy Who Lived and would come running to help because of his loyalty to James and Lily.

This was proven in the Battle of Hogwarts when Lupin answered Neville's call to help the students fight off Voldemort and the Death Eaters. However, this was where he would make his last stand. After dueling Antonin Dolohov, the Death Eater managed to take advantage of Lupin's weaker state and kill him. Lupin's body was seen next to Tonks' in the Grand Hall.

5 Fred Weasley

One character's death the fans never saw coming was Fred Weasley's, who died while fighting valiantly in the Battle of Hogwarts. As many fans know, Fred and his brother were the pranksters of Hogwarts. They always managed to bring a smile to the face of students with their jokes and antics.

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But Fred would always step up for his family and friends when it mattered. Not only did he fight in the Battle of Hogwarts but he also participated in the Battle of the Seven Potters and would provide updates on Potterwatch. Sadly, Fred was killed in an explosion that occurred outside the Room of Requirement. He is considered a hero in the community. 

4 Dobby

No one will forget Dobby's death as the elf died doing what he loved — protecting others from harm. As many fans know, Dobby had been protecting Harry ever since he was a little boy. Although his methods are wrong, fans couldn't help but love the elf's kind nature and loyalty towards Harry.

While Dobby often stayed in the Hogwarts' kitchen after being released from the Malfoys' service, he still would look out for Harry and his friends. When Aberforth asked him to save Harry, Ron, and Hermione from the Malfoy Manor, he did not hesitate. However, Dobby ended up becoming fatally wounded during the rescue and died shortly afterward. To this day, fans still mourn the brave House-elf.

3 Sirius Black

One would be hard-pressed to find a fan who didn't shed a tear at Sirius Black's death. Considering how fragile his and Harry's relationship was in Prisoner of Azkaban, it was a pleasure to watch the two grow closer as Sirius took on a paternal role.

When it came to naming Harry's godfather, Lily and James made the right choice in picking Sirius. After their deaths, the man dedicated his life to protecting Harry. He breaks out of Azkaban to protect Harry from Pettigrew, offers his godson advice and comes running to Harry's aid if need be. Even Sirius' last moments were spent protecting Harry and his friends from the Death Eaters. The wizard truly was a selfless and altruistic hero.

2 Albus Dumbledore

There were two characters who went above and beyond to protect Harry, one of them being Albus Dumbledore. Before Harry even arrived at Hogwarts, Dumbledore played a key part in instrumenting Voldemort's downfall. Knowing that Draco was prophesied to kill him, Dumbledore set about training Harry and tracking down the Horcruxes.

Dumbledore did his best to protect the school from the likes of Umbridge and the Death Eaters. He even asked Snape to kill him when the time came because he knew it would destroy Draco's conscience. Although it was established that he was dying due to Gaunt's ring, it was still horrifying to see him fall.

1 Severus Snape

The other person who went above and beyond for Harry was Snape. There is a reason Harry calls Snape the bravest man he has ever known. After Lily and James were killed, Snape made it his personal mission to protect Harry from Voldemort. He worked as a double agent and spied on Voldemort, protected Harry from Death Eaters, and taught him how to defend himself.

Even when the students and his colleagues thought he betrayed them, Snape did his best to protect them all from Voldemort's cronies. Snape knew everyone would hate him for killing Dumbledore but it was necessary for their plans to succeed. While his death was horrific, at least it gave Harry the chance to find out the truth.

NEXT: Harry Potter: 10 Memes That Prove Snape Was A Comedic Genius

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