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Lost: 5 Things That Make No Sense About Juliet & Jack (& 5 About Juliet & Sawyer)

When living on an island with limited access to other people, relationships are sure to get a little messy. It makes sense then that in the television show Lost, the characters of Juliet, Jack, Kate, and Sawyer become entangled in a quadrilateral.

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One relationship to come out of this quadrilateral is the relationship between Jack and Juliet, dubbed "Jacket" by fans. Another relationship, which fans lovingly named Suliet," was the relationship between Juliet and Sawyer. While these relationships were fun to watch, there were certainly some questionable moments. Here are 5 things that make no sense about Jack and Juliet and 5 things that make no sense about Juliet and Sawyer.

10 Jacket: Juliet Was Jack's Jailor

Jack and Juliet first began to get to know each other when Ben was holding Jack captive. Although Juliet was technically under Ben's control as well, she still helped Ben keep Jack in captivity.

It's crazy to believe that these two could form a romantic relationship after she imprisoned him for so long. Does this count as Stockholm Syndrome?

9 Suliet: Juliet Threatens Kate

Before Sawyer fell for Juliet, he had a strong bond with Kate. Sawyer and Kate act on their feelings while they are captured by The Others. During this time, Juliet threatens to kill Kate and points a gun at her.

It's hard to believe that Sawyer would be able to move past this. Sawyer is not a forgiving man - he has spent most of his life tracking down the man who he blames for his parent's deaths. Would he really forgive Juliet so easily?

8 Jacket: Immediate Trust Of Juliet

Once the pair escape Ben's captivity, Jack immediately trusts Juliet. She is shocked by this trust and even questions him about it. Jack explains that he trusts her because "he sees it in her eyes" that she wants to leave the island just as badly as he does. He even defends her to the other survivors of flight 815.

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Much of the television show LOST is about the battle between faith and logic. Faith is represented by the character Locke and logic is represented by Jack. It seems out of character for the logic-guy to be relying on the look in someone's eyes to determine their trustworthiness. Especially when there is plenty of evidence as to why she shouldn't be trusted.

7 Suliet: Juliet Follows Sawyer's Plan

Juliet may be the most intelligent person on the island. Part of the reason she is kept there is to help lead experiments. Juliet is also a fearless leader. Typically she is quick to create plans and speak up if she disagrees with the choice someone is making.

During the episode "LaFleur," Sawyer and Juliet are dealing with the difficulty of all of the time jumps. Sawyer wants to head back to the beach to see if their camp is there. Although Juliet isn't sure this is a good idea, she still follows Sawyer's plan. Blindly following along with Sawyer's plan doesn't seem like something Juliet would do.

6 Jacket: Juliet Still Working For Ben

After Jack asserts how much he trusts Juliet they begin to grow closer. Juliet eventually comes clean and confesses that she has been lying and is still working for Ben.

For reasons unknown to fans, Jack forgives Juliet extremely quickly and carries on as though she had never betrayed his trust.

5 Suliet: Juliet Doesn't Take The Submarine

For years, Juliet has wanted nothing but to escape the island. The hope that she may one day be able to leave the island was what drove her each day. She is finally given the chance to escape the island via submarine during one of the time jumps.

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She initially plans to take the submarine but when Sawyer asks her to stay, she agrees to remain on the island for 2 weeks. Juliet and Sawyer had just begun to bond and it seems crazy that she would abandon her desire to leave the island on his behalf.

4 Jacket: Juliet-Jack-Kate Love Triangle

Juliet feels insecure about her relationship with Jack due to his connection with Kate. While Jack is recovering from surgery, Juliet and Kate have a conversation while he is in the room. Even though Juliet knows that Jack is awake, she pretends she doesn't realize this.

She tells Kate that Jack only kissed her to convince himself that he wasn't in love with Kate and that the kiss really wasn't about her at all. It's clear that Juliet doesn't trust Jack and that she also doesn't feel she can directly talk to him about her lack of trust. It's difficult to imagine a relationship without trust could survive in the conditions under which the characters live.

3 Suliet: Loving Relationship Threatened

Fans are robbed of the opportunity to see a loving relationship grow between Juliet and Sawyer. Instead, they are told that this relationship has been going on for 3 years. What fans can see seems to be a strong and devoted relationship. Sawyer seems more mature and is expressing his feelings in a way he hadn't for much of the series. It is even revealed that Sawyer was planning to propose to Juliet.

Still, the second Kate returns to the island Juliet is worried. She expresses her concerns that their relationship will be threatened by Kate to Sawyer. He reassures her and tells her not to worry. Then he secretly confronts Kate and asks why she returned to the island. If their relationship is so strong, Kate returning to the island should have little to no impact on their bond.

2 Jacket: Jack's Escape Attempt

Does this picture look like one of a loving couple? It's hard to imagine that these two could move past this. When Jack wants to escape captivity, he decides the best way to do it is to threaten Juliet's life.

He held a sharp object to Juliet's throat and demanded that Ben let him go. Instead, Ben decided to floor the whole corridor, leaving them both to die. They are forced to work together to escape their impending doom and somehow this causes them to bond enough to repair the damage done.

1 Suliet: Saving Young Ben

During the time jumps, some of the characters meet a young Ben. When Ben becomes injured, Sawyer helps to heal him and save his life. Kate asks him why he is helping Ben. He says that he is doing it for Juliet because she doesn't want to let a child die.

Considering the monster they both know Ben grows up to be, this choice is surprising. Juliet is extremely compassionate so her wanting to save a child makes sense. However, this is extremely out of character for Sawyer who typically does what he wants without considering anyone else's feelings. This is yet another out of character example of Sawyer being able to let go of grudges.

NEXT: Lost: 10 Characters Who Deserved To Be In The Oceanic Six (More Than Kate)

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