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Buffy The Vampire Slayer: 10 Ways Xander Got Worse And Worse

Xander Harris was one of the original members of the Scooby Gang, and he remained on Buffy The Vampire Slayer for all seven seasons. At first, both he and Willow Rosenberg were essentially Buffy Summers's sidekicks but as the series progressed, they became an integral part of the team.

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Xander had a lot of brilliant qualities that he demonstrated frequently, such as his bravery, his witty one-liners and his ability to "see" things his friends occasionally missed. However, he did have some truly annoying and uncomfortable traits as well which, despite his good intentions, did get worse over time.

10 His Crush On Buffy

Throughout the first season, Xander had a big crush on Buffy. At first, this started out innocent enough as they were both in high school at the time, so hormones were raging. However, Xander did start to get a bit possessive near the end of the season.

While it's never fun to see your crush go out with someone else, it is ultimately their decision, and you don't get a say. When Buffy became attracted to Angel, Xander was far from graceful about it, and thus made his interactions with Buffy and Angel all the more awkward.

9 His Flirtation With Willow

From the very first season of Buffy The Vampire Slayer, it was obvious to everyone but Xander that his best friend Willow carried a massive torch for him. Xander, for the most part, was completely oblivious, concentrating on his own unrequited crush on Buffy.

However, after Buffy rejected Xander, he and Willow started hanging out a lot more. The tension kept on building throughout Season 3. Unfortunately, Xander knew full well that Willow was dating Oz, and yet made no attempt to stop flirting with her.

8 Using Anya For Sex

Anya started off life on the show as a vengeance demon who created a parallel universe that got Buffy killed. However, Anya was ultimately thwarted and forced to spend the rest of her life as a human who was flunking math.

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Gradually, though, Anya began to develop a crush on Xander, and asked him to the prom. In the following season, the two engaged in a sexual relationship, but whereas Anya wanted more, Xander initially only hooked up with her for the sex.

7 His Dislike Of Angel

Okay, granted, for half of Buffy's second season, Angel turned back into Angelus, a sadistic psychopath who wanted to kill everything and everyone and enact his own personal style of vengeance against Buffy, whom he blamed for making him feel "human."

However, before that, Angel had only ever helped the Scooby Gang and seemingly always had Buffy's best interests at heart. Xander only hated Angel because he was envious of him, and honestly, this petty, childish behavior was not a good look.

6 His Dorkiness

Xander was the closest thing Buffy The Vampire Slayer had to a comic relief character. Sure, almost every character to feature on the show managed to get in a witty line at least once, but Xander was known for being the funny guy among the Scoobies.

While his sense of humor was fairly charming at first, it began to fade pretty quickly. What was once slightly funny soon became irritating and grating, and it was a relief when Xander began to get some properly serious storylines, rather than being the butt of every joke.

5 His Doubts About His Wedding

Throughout the series, a running theme concerning Xander was his frequent lack of confidence in himself. This manifested in several different ways, most notably in the Season 3 episode "The Zeppo," where Xander felt left out of the Scooby Gang.

However, this lack of self esteem reached dangerous levels when Xander and Anya got engaged. While Anya was ecstatic to be spending the rest of her life with Xander, he was more concerned about how he'd mess it all up, leading to him abandoning Anya at the altar.

4 His Insecurities

Overall, Xander's general insecurities managed to stay with him for the entirety of Buffy's run.

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There's nothing wrong with a character having confidence issues, especially if they overcome them over time. And, in fairness, Xander did come to realize that he was also important, but viewers had to listen to his self-pitying rants year upon year, and eventually, it just became dull.

3 Lying To His Friends

While a certain amount of secret-keeping is to be expected in any friendship, particularly those on television, it's still not the healthiest habit. However, Xander didn't seem to get that memo as he frequently lied to those that he held most dear.

Firstly, he hid his relationship with Cordelia from Willow because he was afraid of how she'd react. Then when he was sleeping with Anya, he tried to keep it hush-hush when his friends were around. Most importantly, he lied to Buffy about Willow attempting to restore Angel's soul.

2 His Lack Of Power

Xander's normality wasn't necessarily a bad thing, but it didn't really make a lot of sense within the show itself. The lead character was the Slayer, who had supernatural powers which enabled her to take on and kill the undead.

Xander's best friend was a witch, who was an extremely valuable asset in the fight against evil. Even Giles, who possessed no supernatural powers, at least made up for it with his high intelligence. Xander didn't really contribute anything to the team in terms of strength.

1 Turning Against Buffy

The first time this happened, Xander was hurt that Buffy rejected him so he said some pretty harsh words to his one-time crush. This was the wrong move, but viewers can sympathize with a broken heart.

However, the betrayals kept on coming. Xander and Buffy's worst fight probably occurred in Season 7 when Buffy wanted to kill Anya after she murdered an entire frat house. For two such apparently good friends, Xander and Buffy turned on each other an awful lot.

NEXT: Buffy the Vampire Slayer: 5 Villains From The Vampire Diaries Buffy Could Defeat (& 5 She Doesn’t Stand A Chance Against)

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