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Star Wars: 10 Criminally Underrated Jedi | ScreenRant

Star Wars is filled with fascinating planets, aliens, and conflicts. However, the core of it all has always been the Jedi, Sith, and the Force. While everyone knows and is obsessed with the legacy of the Skywalkers, there have always been other great Jedi ignored in their wake. Why not give those underrated heroes some credit?

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Now, this list will not include any of the main characters from the non-canon extended universe books, so sorry fans of Jaina Solo, Zekk, and Lowbacca. This is not the place for that. So, lots of Clone Wars, please.

10 Kit Fisto

Most people just know Kit Fisto as the cool Jedi with the tentacle hair design. Maybe gamers see him as the cool, long haired male Asari-look-alike. But anyone who's seen Clone Wars or read some Star Wars comics might have the slightest glimmer into how cool Kit Fisto is. And trust us, he's still cooler than that.

As a Nautolan, Fisto is one of the most all-terrain Jedi, able to breathe underwater and detect chemical signatures. Fisto was also considered one of the best lightsaber duelists to ever live. He even had a slightly flirtatious relationship with fellow Jedi, Aayla Secura.

He deserves a lot more credit than that tragic cut-down in Return of The Sith.

9 Nomi Sunrider

While most of the characters on this list have been at least mentioned in mainstream Star Wars, Nomi Sunrider is more obscure. The Jedi Council ruled that Jedi shouldn't marry, but much like Anakin, there were some that broke the rules. During her travels with her husband, an aspiring Jedi Knight, and their infant daughter, enemies attacked them. Nomi lost her beloved, but she saved her daughter with her husband's lightsaber.

After the tragedy, she took her husband's place and (in time) became a Jedi Grand Master. She was one of the most powerful Jedi ever known, fueled by her loss and dedication to justice.

8 Ki-Adi Mundi

For many people, they know Ki-Adi Mundi best as the Jedi hero for the first story battle in Star Wars: Battlefront 2. And that really speaks to how lesser-known this guy is.

However, despite the lack of info on this guy (other than Clone Wars, which was a saint to great, ignored Jedi), he was a Jedi Council member. As the logical "Vulcan" of the Jedi Council, he helped lead them towards reason instead of emotion.

Some may just call him the one with the pointy head, but with all his successful missions during the Clone Wars, the guy deserves to much more credit.

7 Lord Hoth

During the Sith Wars, Lord Hoth was a Jedi that led the Army of Light against the Brotherhood of Darkness. When the wars seemed endless, Hoth realized that the only way to win was to make the Sith destroy themselves. So, pinning the Dark Army in a cave, the entire Army of Light made the Sith use their grand weapon and sacrificed themselves in the process.

The guy sounds epic, right? So he's not underrated. Wrong! Have you ever heard of him? If so, mega-fan ahoy. If not, welcome to the masses. This guy totally deserves more shine for his amazing great deed of sacrifice, because the Sith went silent for a thousand years.

6 Shaak Ti

Shaak Ti deserved better. In the prequels, she got the bad rep as the Jedi Master who couldn't stop Anakin from cutting down the younglings. With all the manpower behind him, though, Shaak Ti never stood a chance. She at least got a secret recording of Anakin's treachery so that others knew what he did.

Beyond her tragic passing, though, she was a great leader. She was a teacher and she encouraged others to treat the clones like people, not tools. She even opposed their creators, the Kaminoans, in order to defend their human rights. She wasn't the strongest Jedi, but she led people with her compassion and faith.

She deserves to be remembered for much more than how her life ended.

5 Jocasta Nu

Remember that librarian that cared for the Jedi Archives? She wasn't just any old librarian. Jocasta Nu was actually a powerful Jedi Master tasked with protecting the knowledge of the Jedi. After Order 66, Jocasta actually survived and hid, along with as much Holocron information as she could.

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Eventually, Darth Vader hunted Jocasta down and ended her life. But the fact that she tried to save the legacy of the Jedi and smuggled some of the information away makes her a hero for generations. If only she could've saved more. However, her name deserves to be known for what she protected.

4 Plo Koon

As the man who discovered Ahsoka Tano's force potential, that's more than enough to prove Plo Koon is an awesome Jedi. However, even with that easy praise, Plo Koon is still criminally underrated. He was not only a Jedi Master with a council seat, but also a High General, an amazing pilot, and no matter how wise, he always was compassionate, especially to Ahsoka.

Also, despite the physical risk of his breathing apparatus, he always managed to keep his own body safe while still being an amazing Jedi. His teachings and influence rippled throughout the order, and he should be more known for it.

3 Depa Billaba

The different Star Wars animated series have become huge hits over the years. For example, Star Wars: Rebels has stolen a lot of hearts. One of the most important, but long gone, Jedi in Rebels is Depa Billaba. Once the master of Caleb Dume (later known as Kanan Jarrus), her sacrifice during Order 66 is the reason he survived and was able to spread the Jedi teachings even under the Empire.

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A member of the Jedi high council, she was trained by Mace Windu and was the personal nemesis of General Grevious. She fully believed in the Jedi order and sacrificing for the greater good, but she was smart enough to acknowledge its flaws, like adopting military titles and becoming more authoritative.

2 Luminara Unduli

Luminara's sometimes strict personality sometimes gets in the way of how cool she is. She did have quite a presence in Clone Wars, but she was known to underestimate younger Jedi. In particular, she underestimated Ahsoka Tano, so there's probably quite a few fans that hold that against her.

Despite that, though, Luminara is totally underrated. She may have struggled to fight Asajj Ventress, but she was visually impaired and still went toe to toe with her where other Jedi lost. Also, her body was so attuned to the force that it still radiated from her bones long after her passing. That's intense.

1 Aayla Secura

As a personal favorite underrated Jedi, Aayla Secura was a brave warrior who believed in a better life for Twi'Leks like herself. She barely got a cameo in the films, but she is a bombastic, badass Jedi. Unlike many other Jedi, who forcefully shunned emotion and attachment, Aayla understood and respected it. She always chose duty over emotion, but she never denied or disrespected its existence.

Athletic and devoted, Secura was a wonderful warrior and leader to her squad. In a galaxy full of many hypocritical Jedi, ones like Aayla mattered. Her promotion to Master could've helped change the Order for the better. Instead, her brave and beautiful heart was crushed underneath its fall.

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