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Outlander: Claire's 10 Biggest Mistakes (That We Can Learn From)

For five years, fans of Outlander have watched as Claire has developed into a strong and independent woman. She managed to overcome prejudice by becoming one of the most successful female surgeons. She helped raise Brianna into the intelligent woman she is today and is usually one of the first people to volunteer for suicide missions.

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While no one will dispute that Claire is one of the most fearless heroines on TV, sometimes her attitude has gotten herself and others in a lot of trouble. Don't remember? Here are 10 of Claire's biggest mistakes that we can all learn from.

10 Stole A Dead Body

One thing you should never do is steal a dead body. It's immoral and disrespectful to the person's family and memory. Yet, Claire didn't seem to care about this in "Between Two Fires," when she stole a dead body in the name of science.

While the deceased's family were attending his funeral, we find out that Claire had filled the casket with stones so she could perform an autopsy. In this century, Claire could be imprisoned and executed as body-snatching and illegal dissection was a serious offense. Not to mention how upset a family would be to find out their loved ones haven't found peace. Unless you are in the medical profession, leave well enough alone.

9 At Times Being Too Prideful

One of the most admirable things about Claire is that she's not afraid to tell it like it is. She is also determined to do the right thing - no matter the consequences. However, this attitude can get her into trouble. The first time fans saw this was in season 1 when Claire went to warn Geillis about her impending arrest - despite Jamie telling her to stay away from her.

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She also nearly got herself in trouble when she mocked the Captain's superstition that having a woman on board was bad luck and touching the horseshoe was good. Again, Jamie had to caution Claire on her actions. Even though she might not like it, sometimes certain situations require you put your pride aside and listen to the advice of others.

8 Ruined Someone Else's Relationship

One of the worst things Claire ever did was when she ruined the relationship between Alex Randall and Mary Hawkins. As fans know, Claire ruined the romance when she told an ill Alex that he would be too much of a burden for Mary and would be incapable of looking after her. She said these things because she wanted Mary to marry Jack Randall to ensure Frank's survival.

However, this came at the cost of Mary and Alex's happiness, who remained apart until his death in "The Hail Mary." Considering Claire was meant to be Mary's friend, she would be better off without her because this behavior is toxic. Never tear apart a relationship because it doesn't benefit you. It's selfish and manipulative to do so.

7 Neglected Brianna

While everyone knows how hard it was for Claire to let Jamie go, she made a mistake when she allowed the past to affect her relationships. In this particular instance, it was her relationship with Brianna that was placed under much strain when Claire neglected her daughter because of her resemblance to Jamie.

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Claire may have struggled to connect with Brianna because she was the sole reason why she had to return to the present. Maybe she blames Brianna for making her leave Jamie. However, Jamie had been destined to die on Culloden and nobody could have changed it. No one should be blamed for something they can't control.

6 Messed With Someone's Feelings Out Of Boredom

One of the biggest mistakes Claire made was letting herself get into a rivalry with Laoghaire. Of course, Claire had a right to hate the woman after she nearly had her killed, but she did sort of escalate the tensions beforehand. In season 1, Claire made an enemy of the maiden when Laoghaire asked Claire to give her a love potion and she gave her dried horse-dung.

She also made a mockery of her when she told her to sprinkle it on Jamie's doorstep and to click her heels three times. While Laoghaire's vendetta against Claire is completely despicable, you can't help but think that it could have been avoided if Claire didn't provoke her when she did nothing wrong to her in the first place.

5 Chose An Ex Over Her Partner

Another big mistake Claire made was when she began to put Frank's well-being ahead of Jamie's. As fans know, Claire put an end to the love triangle between her, Frank, and Jamie when she chose to stay in the eighteenth-century and go to Lallybroch with the Scotsman.

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However, her relationship with Jamie began to feel the strain when she asked him not to kill Jack Randall for the sake of Frank's life. While the promise ended up invalid since Frank turned out to be a descendant of Alex Randall, it did create a tension between them. Especially when Claire was asking Jamie to be miserable so Frank could be happy.

4 Let People Underestimate Her

In "The Battle Joined," Claire was invited to attend a social gathering at Frank's university, where she got into a debate with the Dean. He offends Claire when he mocks the idea of a successful female physician. He also annoys her further when he suggests a woman's place is in the home, to which she does not refute.

However, this was a grave mistake on Claire's part as she shouldn't have let the Dean underestimate her. The same can apply in real life. If you want to be a surgeon, chef, teacher, or lawyer, go for it. Never let anyone demean you or your dreams because you can accomplish anything when you put your mind to it.

3 Didn't Tell The Truth

This may be the most debatable entry but Claire made a mistake when she didn't tell Brianna the truth about her paternity. While this was part of the conditions of Frank, it can be seen as wrong as Brianna had a right to know about her real father.

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Fans will remember Brianna didn't appreciate being lied to her all her life. What was worse was that she accidentally stumbled upon the truth, meaning Brianna was left with a level of uncertainty about whether Claire would have told her the truth. Secrets like this have a habit of getting uncovered and it's best to get them out in the open.

2 Remained In A Loveless Marriage

Another mistake Claire made was remaining in a loveless marriage with Frank. For the first year or so, it looked like Frank and Claire managed to reconnect on some level. However, they soon called it quits when old demons resurfaced.

Claire and Frank agreed to lead separate lives for the next 20 years but kept up the pretense that they were happily married. Yet, the constant arguments between the two almost tore their family apart. It also caused a lot of hurt for Brianna and Sandy. If this is what the damage looks like in the long run, then it's best to just be honest with yourself and end the relationship. Everyone deserves to be with someone that makes them smile, not cry.

1 Tried To Play God

One of the biggest lessons Outlander has shown us is that you cannot play God. In the first two seasons, fans saw that Claire was trying to change history by preventing the Battle of Culloden. She believed that if she managed to do so, she would be able to save a lot of lives.

However, by preventing the deaths of Jamie and the MacKenzies, she was risking the lives of many others. There could even be an innocent person in the future who has been blinked out of existence because their ancestor has died when they weren't supposed to. It's just not fair to be valuing one person's life when it can affect another.

NEXT: Outlander: 10 Claire Mannerisms From The Book Caitriona Balfe Nails

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