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Harry Potter: The 10 Most Shameless Things The Death Eaters Ever Did

In the wizarding world of Harry Potter, the infamous Death Eaters are known for a lot of things. They're known for being incredibly powerful, incredibly dangerous, and being more than willing to do anything and everything the moment it tickles their fancy.

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But one thing they are not particularly known for is shame. They not only do things that most witches and wizards wouldn't ever even dream of doing, but they don't care if everyone in the world knows that they did it. Nay, they even enjoy knowing that the world fears them. So in their laundry list of bad behaviors and misdeeds, what are the most shameless things that the Death Eaters have ever done?

10 Taking Over Hogwarts

This was actually one of the most logical things that the Death Eaters ever did in the wizarding wars, even if it was terrible.

Keeping the children of the wizarding world under their thumb is an awful thing to do, but teaching the entirety of the wizarding youth that the Death Eaters are in charge and that pain and death will come to any that defy them is an extremely clever way to ensure that their power grab winds up having a lasting effect and impact on the world.

9 Abusing Muggles

Look, it's clear that Voldemort and his lackeys were never going to eliminate all of humankind, because they were far outnumbered and it would pretty much be impossible. But that doesn't mean that the Death Eaters would ever look at muggles like they were anywhere close to their equals.

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Most Death Eaters looked at humans as something that were at worst a nuisance to be rid of and at best a tool to be used, and clearly none of the Death Eaters ever concerned themselves with anything beyond that.

8 Abusing Muggle-Borns

Author J.K. Rowling actually did a pretty brilliant job of showing what the world is like when a fascist dictatorship is attempting to take over, and one of the most pointed analogies that she used was the Death Eaters and their treatment of muggle-borns.

There were already prejudiced divisions in the wizarding world, and the Death Eaters fostered those divisions by creating false narratives surrounding the muggle-borns in their world and essentially establishing that magical users who had been born to muggles were second class citizens in wizard society.

7 Mistreating Half-Bloods

Another somewhat masterful political play on the part of the Death Eaters was their treatment of half-blood witches and wizards. They may have been a rank above muggle-borns, but they still weren't as worthy of respect or basic human rights as full-blood magicians were either.

However, they're extremely selective about the way in which they use these prejudices too. They went out of their way to undermine half-bloods who opposed their reign, but they were also more than happy to accept half-bloods into their ranks too, leaving half-bloods with an easy way to safety and acceptance if they chose it.

6 Hurting People For Fun

One of the most disturbing behaviors that the Death Eaters shamelessly partook in was hurting people for no other reason besides that it was fun.

Yes, they would abuse, torture, or even kill people as a means to an end, but in many different instances they demonstrated that they truly enjoyed hurting other people. One of their most egregious displays was their attack on the Quidditch World Cup, but unfortunately that was just an extremely overt example of a behavior they engaged in all the time.

5 Selectively Applying Their Philosophy

Voldemort and his Death Eaters were attempting to overtake the wizarding world and control it as they liked. They tried to put a lot of PR spin around what they were doing and why, and they ostensibly claimed that there were logical and understandable reasons behind their behavior that many other witches and wizards could agree with.

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But of course, the reality of this was a complete lie. They abode by their philosophies and personal outlooks when it suited them, they ignored them when it suited them, and they used those ideas as a way of masking the reality that they just wanted to do whatever they liked.

4 Murdering Their Adversaries

When you're at war, it's safe to say that there are going to be casualties. And it's not as if the "good guys" in the Harry Potter world never got blood on their hands either.

However, most of the wizards and witches in the world would avoid killing their enemies if at all possible, instead imprisoning them for their crimes. Clearly the Death Eaters had no such hangups about murder. If anything, they seemed to prefer killing their real enemies over letting them live and punishing them for their transgressions in some other way.

3 Trying To Overtake The Wizarding World

Dark wizards have committed many crimes and misdeeds in past years, but very few of them have actually tried to overtake the entire wizarding world for themselves and turn themselves into the ruling class, lording over the rest of the witches and wizards in existence.

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But the Death Eaters obviously did try to take things this far. They believed it was their right to treat their compatriots however they chose, and they were willing to do whatever it took in order to make that belief into a reality.

2 Joining Voldemort When It Suited Them

Voldemort may be an extremely powerful wizard, but he's not a particularly compelling or inspiring leader. So all that really says about the Death Eaters is that they always wanted to be the raging meanies that they became, but they were too afraid to do it without a more powerful wizard's cloak to hide behind.

Clearly they had no personal interest in Voldemort or his philosophy, they just wanted power and the freedom to be cruel and saw him as an easy way of getting it.

1 Abandoning Voldemort When It Suited Them

Obviously Voldemort isn't the type of leader who inspires loyalty, but it would almost be easier to respect the Death Eaters if they actually did believe in anything that they were doing. They behaved monstrously when Voldemort's rise to power allowed them to, but the moment Voldemort was gone, most of them stepped right back in line and pretended they had never gone bad in the first place.

It comes as no surprise since they'll always look out for themselves, but the fact that they went from normal witches and wizards, to criminal overlords, and back to normal witches and wizards, seems to be exceptionally shameless.

NEXT: Harry Potter: 10 Worst Things The Hogwarts Students Did To Neville

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